I had the best time being the photographer at this delivery. I only had 1 hour of sleep before I go the call to come to the hospital. It was really neat, there is something about that feeling. I feel totally honored to have been apart of it. And of course I cried while I was there. It was so special. Although it did not make me want a baby as weird as that is. It was just so cool to be there and capture that.
I even called my friend that is due this month and begged to be apart of hers but I could tell she was so weirded out by the thought of me in the room so I dropped it. She did have her baby (it's a little girl) and I am planning on heading up tuesday to take pictures of them. I dont plan on things going bad like they have the last two times I have gone up for friends, (with the help of Ang) I was a lot more clear on what I expected. Still hoping that it will be ok!
What a MIRACLE children are.
I have one of my son like the first too so FRESH, so RAW...LOVE IT
OH how cool is that! What an AWESOME experience! VERY VERY cool!! ;)
Ohhhhhhh. they gave me goosebumps!Great job!
what an experience that must have been!! very brave of you (and the mother!) :) Nice job!!!
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