Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bubbas turn!

Ok his ears crack me up! poor kid got my ears, that is why I try to keep his hair a little longer that way they dont stand out as much! I guess a backwards hat makes them more noticable hun? lol!

Playing Catch Up!

I didn't have any work today so I worked on my own pictures! Hopefully I will be able to post more I have a ton ready to start scrapbooking! I hope the color on these are ok, I always struggle with color that is why I would rather just do b&w! I used Peta's color pop on these (you can find the link to her action on my side bar) --------->

Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Little Alex!

Isn't she the cutest little thing you have even seen? I love her to peices! Her mom got a perfect pink cupcake, It was bright and pretty! I love the last picture even though her hand is blurry...the flying peice of cake kills me!

Oh! And I did not get a single shot of her without that tounge...she totally cracks me up! It was in every shot! It's how she smiles!

Manyoniase Sandwich

Ok they arent really "mayo" sandwhiches. They are regular ham and cheese sandwhiches with mayo but for some reason Kase started calling them mayo sandwhiches. You should see the weird looks we get when he orders it from subway. It makes me laugh....goofy kid!
Pictures are not that great he was behind the counter the faces a window so we got bright light on top and a shadow on bottom...I think I need to retake them :(

Saturday, January 27, 2007

From the Idaho session

Oh I loved this shoot! What a sweet family! This little guys is a fighter! He was 11 weeks early and spent most of his begining breaths in the NICU! Hopefully the nursing shot doesnt offend anyone. I loved it and I wanted to share! enjoy!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Back from SLC!

ahhhh! It is amazing how a couple days away totally recharges me! I went up north to take pictures of sweet little Zoia, my friend brookies first baby!

I left Tuesday and stayed with my Sister in Provo. I went to open mic night downtown and loved it! It was not really something that I would normally have the desire to go to, but I totally loved it! I wonder sometimes why I wasn't blessed with a good voice, I love music so much, it speaks to me in so many ways. Ash loves music too, but alas was cursed with the same off tune, off pitched voice as mine. Funny how that works.

Wednesday helped prove that I have the worst luck. No matter how hard I try life causes me more stress then the normal person. Not that anything really terrible happened, just nothing really went my way. Ash and I woke up and we tried to take her car into the shop, but we couldn't get it to start. I ended up pushing the car down a freaking freezing provo road to get it to start. When we got back Ash realized that her school was closed and she couldn't do my hair. So she just cut it in her kitchen... my hopes to dye it dark will have to be done somewhere else!!!

After my new hair cut, we went shopping and I headed up to ogden to see Brookie and Zoia. I got stuck in traffic (oh I hate the city) and when I called Brooke for directions one of her other friends answered the phone. Grrrr! It is not like I dont like this friend, I just wanted time alone with brookie, it is bad enought that she was there at the hospital and I wasn't...cant I just have my time with her? By the time I got there and started pictures the sun was going down and with all the comotion and visitors little Zioa was wide awake. I ending up shooting with my flash and shooting with a wide awake fussy baby. I felt so bad, I know how hard it is for first time parents to hear their newborn baby cry! I decided after awhile that it might be better to wait until the morning when I could get better shots so we called it good and spent the rest of the evening with no other drama.

We visited the rest of the time and I had a chance to get to know Brookies hubby much better. He even farted really loud to remind me of home (gotta love hubbys for that!) I can't wait to get pictures edited of little Z, she is a tiny little thing! I could have stayed forever and kissed on her. She was such a beautiful baby! But I was missing my family and my little vacation of "me time" was coming to a close. It is good to be home.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

.01 secs old

I had the best time being the photographer at this delivery. I only had 1 hour of sleep before I go the call to come to the hospital. It was really neat, there is something about that feeling. I feel totally honored to have been apart of it. And of course I cried while I was there. It was so special. Although it did not make me want a baby as weird as that is. It was just so cool to be there and capture that.
I even called my friend that is due this month and begged to be apart of hers but I could tell she was so weirded out by the thought of me in the room so I dropped it. She did have her baby (it's a little girl) and I am planning on heading up tuesday to take pictures of them. I dont plan on things going bad like they have the last two times I have gone up for friends, (with the help of Ang) I was a lot more clear on what I expected. Still hoping that it will be ok!

about freakin time blogger!

I have been tring for 3 days to put more pictures Macie would say
"that's betarded"
Anyway here we all are up on our trip up north...i am so glad that my brother got this picture of us together on the snowmobile. I have somewhere in my mind that if I dont have a picture of it my kids will never remeber the experiences that we have, it is weird I know BUT it males me take tons of picture...that is waht I do I capture EVERYTHING!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Just my words to my anonymous commenter

I had this anonymous comment on my previous post ...
"You know, a calm and honest (not degrading and offensive)conversation could solve problems like these."
Ohhh I wish it work that way in our realationship. Seriously you have no idea how many nights I have prayed for a simple fix. Conversations like that don't happen. Even after 3 years of marriage councling, prozac, and almost a divorce.... that aspect of our relationship has always been a struggled. It is much better don't get me wrong but sitting down and talking is not how we work. We fight, we yell, we get over it. We love each other to death and respect when oneof us needs time to cool off and that is it. I guess there is an occasional apology also but I have learned to not expect too much when it is something small like this was. I guess it is more funny to us then it is serious!
I also would appriciate anonymous commenters to put there name down. It drives me nuts to not know who is writing there opinion. thanks :)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

In the dog house

Well the hubster understands that he not on good terms with me. He has come back like a dog with its tail between it's legs. I know, he knows, he has done something wrong when he starts cleaning. He has been doing dishes, folding clothes, wiping off counters, throwing away his garbage. Ohhhh, Yes I read you like a book dear. You think that by doing a little house work I will just forget about it all. I will forget about being called selfish and all the other "nice" things you have said lately? Usually, yes I will totally forgive, especially when he makes such a huge effort to (in his own way) say he is sorry. But NOPE not this time! I have been milking it for all its worth. It has been fabulous. I might let it go on a couple more days untill I feel he has done enought! After all it is nice to be treated like royalty every once in a while!

Snowmobile...Hot springs pictures

The Hot SpringsMe and the Fam, Yes I am sure you are all jealous of how absolutly beautiful I am without make up!The whole fam...except Heather...she got to be the picture taker.
My little bro and sis
The kiddie pool
Polar Bears -Moo
Polar Bears-Bubba
So cool hun? I am so glad My Step sister had her camera. (I really need to look into a cheap take along camera. I cant load my Rebel everywhere...) Anyway thanks Heather! You rock!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Good bye Hooker Shoes

Yes I had to change them...It made the picture a little too sexy and I definatley dont want to come acrossed wrong to my clients...but I cropped my profile picture so you can see it better...thanks for all you comments! That totally made my day!

Texans...they don't come better then this!

I seriously love these people. I love the dad, he was the one that requested his wife was nude for her maternity shoot. He had all the ideas for the pictures I just took them. He didnt even care that he got pee in his fireman helmet, he even wore it with the pee in it. They baby did awesome, he only fused once. It was an ideal shoot, they just pick up there order today I was excited! The prints came back awesome! Justin thinks I should offer some drs some free prints to hang in there offices...maybe if I have time I will.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

revamping the website!

after all the sessions i have had lately I was needing to change out tons of picstures. I love that, I love adding more pics. Most of my galleries are full, I am running out of webspace to host pics. kinda sad...kinda cool! I still have several new shoots I am dieing to edit (one live delivary, one awesome family shoot)...i also have to sweep and mop my floor this week I can not handle the mess! I am almost nooked for January too. It has been a week!
Check it out ... just click on the link
OH! I almost forgot....what do you think about the "hooker shoes" I am wearing on the contact page? Do you notice them? I didn't want them in the least not that detailed but when i cropped them out they looked funny. Maybe I should just find another picture of me. Thy are strickly bedroom shoes but my friend insisted that I wear them for a couple shots...Who wants their picture taken from someome who wears hooker shoes?????

Monday, January 08, 2007

sneak peak

I am editing pic for my wesite and I wanted to include one from this session. this is from my first traveling session and it was totally cool. She was a photographer, she liked my style i guess and liked that i didnt charge a $500 session fee. It was an amazing session, they were so happy and the feeling in their home was wonderful! More to come I promise! Anyway enjoy.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


We are finally back from our week long trip up north. We actually had a great time...every year I dread the snowmobile trip. I hate the cold, I hate being cold, I hate having to put a coat on just to go outside, everything about it makes me onry. BUT for some reason this years trip went so good. We were up in a cabin for 3 days, the only day I went riding we went on a full day trip. Left in the morning snowmobiled up to a remote little po-dunk of a cabin and ate lunch. Then on the way back down we stopped and went to a hot springs and then back home. The kids were with us the whole time and really liked it. They did polarbears in the snow, and fell asleep on the way back home. Kase even lost his glove, but was to tired to care!
We spent time with my mom and siblings and I had a shoot in Boise which was so much fun...more on that later. I even saw my ex-boyfriend. (He is good friends with my family so it is not so strange) It was nice to talk to him...I even had some "what if" thoughts while we were talking. I came to the conclussion that Justin has made me stronger, and more spiritual (not that I am anywhere close to where I need to be). I have grown so much from our relationship. It has been a hard marriage and I have wished for an easier road but I think that
if you dont have trails and struggles you don't cherish the good things in your life.
Christmas day was good. The kids had fun...the tramp is almost up and that will be fun to play on. I was disappointed agian. Justin was shopping at walmart the night before and ended up getting 2 shelf organizers for me and that was it. Then he had the balls to start complaining about his gifts, they werent the right size, he didnt like this, didnt like that. Seriously? I should just learn to buy and wrap my own presents. I dont know why I think Justin will do anything for me. Or maybe next year we will do a family gift and I will buy it so I actually get something. I did buy something for my stocking so the kids didn't think santa thought I was naughty! Anyway, I shouldnt care about things like that, he acted like he was actually doing something for me and that is why I got my hopes up. Stupid me.
I feel like life is slowing down quiet a bit and that is good. I am still booking shoots and am almost full for January which is great. I have 2 really good friends having babies this month, I cant wait for that! I am hoping to save enought money to get an TV armore for my bedroom in the next month or so. Merry Christmas to me!

scrappy pages

always on the go...
i cherish you (scraplift from a heidi swapp)
-for my book-

for macies book

miss moo moo
aunt ash