Saturday, March 31, 2007

I have to most embarrassing moment-this tops them all!

I debated as to whether or not I would post this but it tops my list of humiliating things that happen to me or that I do to myself!
Justin and I's anniversary is next week and for a year and a half I have wanted to take some sexy pictures for him but after having kids my body is nothing like sexy. I have avoided it over and over until finally I decided that if i didn't get them done that I would prolly never do them so I woke up weds morning and thought today will be a great day for pictures. I got all I am not a real prissy girl, I like make up but I don't wear it everyday. BUT for pictures I go totally go all out. Fake eyelashes, hair extensions, tons of ratting of the is a big process.
So I get all ready, set up my backdrop and my tripod and I get naked. Ok I have to say here that I do think my body is totally sexy, i don't my girly parts are sexy and i don't think showing them is sexy....besides you can take a totally sexy pictures without the showing anything...kwim? SO that was the kind of pictures that I was going for...NOTHING CRUDE or VULGAR...that's just not sexy!
So I am taking picture which with a tripod is totally an ordeal, I am sweating I am naked and then Macie comes in my room. Being naked in our house has never been a big deal but she quickly wants to know why i am taking pictures and she begins to give me posing advice. " i like it when you do this, mom you need to cover your boobies, i think you should smile." Then she in forms me that she sees my "pee pee." Ok Macie get out of my room.
Just then there is a knock on my door...crap it is my cleaning lady...I am completely naked except for my 5 inch hooker shoes, which btw i cant hardly walk in. I yell down the hall that I will be right out...I go get dressed and as I am walking out of my bedroom I hear Macie say "hey, hey Steph, my Mom was taking pictures of her PEE PEE!" right then I walk around the corner with the hair extensions and fake eyelashes. OH MY GOSH! I was totally humiliated, she gave me the weirdest look and I tried to explain what I was doing but how to recover from that? Seriously does stuff like this only happen to me?

Some of my recent favs...

1-OK I am loving my new external hard worth my money to finally get one, you wouldn't believe how many pictures I had on my computer!

2-My Dark hair....yep I am no longer a blond. I guess I will have to post some pictures...It actually was waaaay darker then I expected but it was a great mistake. Justin of course hates it and the first thing he said to me was "you look like your mother." I think my mommy is hot so I could take that as a complement even though it wasn't. I love looks good on me I think!

3-My Justin Timberlake CD... ok song #5 i love! I rarely buy CDS but for Justin I will make the exception! I kinda have a school girl crush on him :)

4-I am still loving my new car and yes one of these days I will post pictures of it.

5-Nighttime with my Kaser Boy. He has been asking for lullabies lately, so at night time I lay in bed with him and sing to him. We then sit and talk and he asks me to tell him stories about when I was little. I hope he remembers these little moments and cherishes them just as much as I do.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Luck = Hard Work = US

Got a call from Justin today he wanted to go to a movie with the family..."u have been working too hard we need to go and do something together. What a great feeling to have him care about us, it is hard for him to express his feelings, he rarely tells me personal things but to know he cares about me makes me happy! What I also love is that no matter what movie we go see Justin knows when I am going to cry. He waits for it and then watches me as tears stream down my face. It is nice to have someone know me and understand me. Someone who loves me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dont be destracted by my enormous head...

I feel like it is just huge! I went to a church thing last night...mostly because they asked me to come and share my "talents" So I brought a couple pictures of my sweet family, some of my favorites from clients and set them out on a small table. I had people coming up to me all night, telling me how good they were...I do but I don't like compliments it is kind of a weird thing. I like to get them, I actually crave them but I don't know how to respond. So by the end of the night i was on cloud nine! I was totally happy and felt great about myself! I guess it is always good to have a little bit of compliments every once in a while!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


  • Brown
  • Secret Embrace
  • Victoria's Secret
  • Size 34 C
  • Very cute
  • Brand new
  • Missing for 2 weeks

If anyone has seen my bra please contact me. Thanks.

UPDATE: I found it! wooo hoooo! I almost went online and bought another one!

How Rude

I was rudely awakened this morning at 2:00 AM to some inappropriate touchy touchy from Justin. Why he was awake and ready to go at 2 am I don't know, AND why he didn't make his move while I was awake and laying next to him is sexy underwear I don't know either. But 2:00 AM seemed more convenient for him. Lets just say our marriage has never lacked in the intimacy department, it is one thing that has always been good...but why why why at 2:00 AM?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

New header... New links & New Pictures!

Yep is almost 1:00 am I am still up...I am waiting for some pictures to post to my site so I can post some more....i am soooo tired of editing so I played around with some pictures that we took around Christmas....I just start giggling OK snorting when I look at them! bwhahahahahah!

I also added more blog to my stalker list BUT I know that I didn't get them all,, I seriously look at over 50 blogs a day so my list is really small compared to what I really stalk...don't be offended if your not up there....tell me and I will add you to my stalker list. :) later skater! the way my spell check is working agian..thanks Ang! maybe now I wont have to go back and edit my post 3 times :)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Pursuit of Perfection

Perfection is something I have strived for all of my life. I think that being the first kid in a fairly large family had a lot to do with it. I was expected to be a lot of things.... perfect was defiantly one of them. I have carried around those expectations all of my life and of course OTHER PEOPLE have added to my list of expectations. I continued allowing other people tell me what was perfect. The perfect weight, the perfect height, the perfect attitude, the perfect friend, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect artist, the perfect person, etc. Until I started yo break down, I started to understand that really there is no such PERFECT. I could work my tail off and still never achieve that kind of perfection. I would never ever reach the level I had set for myself. I am perfect for me, I do the best I can and that is it. I am perfect.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Our new pet....

Yep we finally bought the lizard we have been eyebawling for months! She is just a baby and she is very sensitive, I hope she lives. We have spent hours watching her climb, move her eyes in opposite directions, and eat crickets. She is sooo much fun even Justin comes in to check on her! She is seriously the coolest pet, she is very corky and odd and it is so fun to watch her!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spotlight On Kaser

Kase had a great week last week being the "sunshine enginer" in school. He got to be the line leader and the king of the day every day for a week. All the kids in his class drew a picture of him and didn't have to do anything! He thought it was all pretty darn cool! Of course I had to do a poster...after I was done I showed Justin and he said..."because you don't do simple." I guess that is about right. I wanted it to be cute and it had to have order...exspecially with the butt load of pictures I had to put on there :)