The tooth fairy!!! Kase has been sooo excited, he has 5 loose teeth and one finally fell out Saturday Night ...get this we were out on a date when it fell out...and it was 10:00 when I picked the kids up so the tooth fairy had to wait and come Sunday. (I told kase she was in bed so that I could take a pictures of his cute little tooth! Man this makes me feel old! I hate this milestones, I remember when I was sooo excited to see Kase roll or walk and now with each one I realize I cant have time back with them. I want to keep them little, I want to sing lullabies to them forever, kiss them till the run away...If only!
to cute...i to hate the milestones...my daughter is fave and son is two and on the weekend l was sitting and watching them play. I then got teary and realized how big they are. Time flys...l feel like the were just babys....so l so hear you on this one. Great photos. They can always remember by them.
I just hope that Kase's tooth fairy doesn't ruin it all for the other tooth fairies by leaving him $20 or whatever outrageous amount that makes us poor tooth fairies look bad! LOL
I have to agree - I wish they could stay little forever!
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