Friday, May 12, 2006

Back from the City

Yes I know SLC isn't really that big but it freaks me out! I get all nervous to drive in it!
What a trip! I haven't been away from the kidlets or the hubster EVAH! It was so nice! I spent time with everyone that was important to me! You know what hit me? The difference in the common threads my friends and I hold! They are all different!
With my girls from St. Geo it is scrapbooking and tha we all are alot alike. We have kids the same ages too that helps. But we all are like sisters! We all care about each other and seem to put each other into Labor!!! It is the hormones!
With my roomies of course it is college and the fact that we all have been there through the kids and the marriages and trials.
With Meegs right now it is photography. We have a huge passion for it, and I love having her teach me all the PS stuff I can't figure out! But there is more to our realtionship and I can't quit pin point it. We are just are friends! I know we always will be!
With Brookie it is HS but then it stems out, we dont call each other every month, hardly email or keep tabs at all...BUT when we get together it is like we have seen each other an hour ago. We pick up right where we left off, We talk about it all. HS, politics, the church and I love that friendship. Hers is one that I truely would be sad to lose.
With my Sisters it is different with both of them.
Ash is becoming more and more like my Mom and our relationship has changed with that. I thought it would be completely ruined but I seem to hang on the relationship because I never had that with my Mom and that keeps me trying.
Shayla and I are so much alike...In a sence we are both the 1st born, just with the different Dads! But she is so much more compfortable in her skin then I ever was. I hope she never loses that because it is the best part of her personality!
Anyway...I was an awsome break! I came home totally recharged and feeling able to cope with it all. That was untill the kids started whinning and I thought arrrrg ! I so am not in the mood for this!! LOL!
*I am typing under the influence (cold meds) so if nothing make sence I will have to edit later!!!*


Meegan said...

And in return this is why I value our friendship. Our lives have so many parallel characteristics, from places we've lived to things we experienced as children to divorces and even 'excitement' through our marriages! I feel like I am safe telling you anything and I would hope you feel the same. I value you for so many reasons. (the fact that we have photography as a common interest is just a bonus for me!) I love your strength and your honesty, and the fact that you have always been real with me. Our friendship has an easiness that I love! You're right. . .we will always be friends. Through crap and through exciting times!

Love ya Kell! Thanks for making time to fit me into your travels. EVERYONE loves the pictures! You captured us as we are, and I love 'em!


Angela said...

It is so good to have a variety of friends. You should have someone that can help you through any situation. It is great. I am so glad we went to SLC. It was the first girls trip I have had where someone didn't get in a fight or get bitchy. How great was that. We need to do it again next year or later this year! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad I didn't get to go, but I'm glad you were able to be strong, and somehow go on without me, and even manage to have a good time!