I am exhausted! It was one of those emotional rollercoaster weeks. Alot going on alot to deal with.
It started with a court hearing for my EX-step Dad. He has been in prison for 6 years. He is there for molesting boys. His term is 6yrs - Life for 4 counts of molestation. The hearing was harder then I expected. All of his family was there. We had to walk past them and feel their eyes stare us down. They all went up to Ashlie and hugged her, she was a wreck. She bawled and bawled. She hasn't had a chance to deal with what happened, to make since of it all. It was really hard for her. The hardest part the whole thing was seeing him. He looked sick. I didn't even recongnize him. It was like you could see his soul. Prison has made him face his demons. I could see that. That was sad, I felt bad for him. I don't know if that is something I should feel bad about but I do. The two interesting details that came out in the hearing was that he was molested as a child by his older brother. The brother that was a stake pres. The brother that covered for him, that lied for him, hid him from the police and that gave him a temple recommend after he was put in prison. I could never make sense of that, I always wondered if his brother had any kind of a soul. How could he lie like that to everyone around him and then judge other people as the stake pres? But now it makes sence. I am sure the brother feels like he is to blame for why my ex Step Dad is the way he is. The other thing that happened was That he ADMITTED to molesting more then what he was charged for. There are 17 reported cases in his file, he was charged for 2 boys, 2 counts each and the police there are 60+ victims. He said there were 25 victims. That admitance was huge. We won't find out for weeks weither or not he gets out but I feel better about it now. I dont think anyone in their right mind would let him out yet, but you never know. We will just hope that he will stay and get the help he needs in prison.
We also have been looking for a house and house stuff never goes smoothly! This week has been crazy that way. We actually put in a offer for a home in our neighboorhood. We weren't too crazy about the house, we didn't want to stay in the neighboorhood and we wanted a bigger yard but it was a good deal so we jumped on it. We the owner didn't go over her numbers before she listed it and after our offer came in and she excepted it she realized she would have to pay us to own it. She didn't like that and she tried to back out. Which was fine with us, we started to look for something else and found a house that was just put up for rent. We loved it! It is in the feilds, it sits on a half acre. It got alot of space, and nice finish work! We filled out a rental app and talked about doing a option to buy. We also talked about Justin finishing the backyard. They were all excited about it and we are filling out our lease agreement on Monday. We will be able to move in on the first of the month!!! SO exciting!
In between all of that I have had photoshoots and I am trying to get that new site up and running. It is taking time but I think it looks really good! I can't wait for it to all work! The flyers are done also and they look soooo goood! I will have to post them later but they look great! I have alot of pictures to post hopefully I can get them up before I go up north. Oh yeah I will be gone Thurs -Thurs next week. I have a photoshoot up north and then I am going to a friends for a day or two then off to my dads. I wonder if Justin will get any packing done while I am gone...