Tuesday, February 27, 2007
whats up with 100 calorie packs?
there is nothing in them. it is like eating 2 little oreos and what is the point in that? Seriously. I want more then four peices. I am a big girl I need more sugar! Cant they figure out how to give you a big snack with 100 calories?
Friday, February 23, 2007
The business cards!
These are my children cards. yeah these are already ordered and I realized that the number and website are backwards...awesome, just awesome!

Business Cards...

same design just with a new picture on the back.

My Blog cards...i will include these in my packet..

Monday, February 19, 2007
No time no blog
I have had a couple of overwhelming weeks. I haven't found the time to blog alot. I have been really stressed out and I have taken sometime to change something that weren't working.
My kids are going threw a huge whinning stage and I think I am going to lost it one day and just leave. I dont know how it got so bad but we have been trying so hard to quickly change this behavior. I think what I am going to do is give a warning and then send them straight to their rooms. Hopefully that helps because seriously I can't handle it much more!
To my surprize work has just kept coming. I have had more session then I have ever had and I finally made the desision to hire on someone to do my editing for me. I just can't keep up and really I dont want to keep up I want to be with my family more but i still have to work so this is the best solution for me. I think it will still be several months before I can get someone trained good enough to do a great job but it is a start. She will also do alot of my paperwork for me which is all very tedious and time consuming. That bad news in this all is that I will be raising my price just a bit to compinsate for the addition to my company. I try to keep my rates reasonable and I know alot of my friends think i totally over charge but I need to make it worth my time.
I FINALLY got my brouchers into Dr. Lunts office...yep after almost 6 months they are there. It was actually so easy I dont know why I was so scared to do it. I have alread had calls from them and I think it will be a great thing for my business.
I also have been working on a new blog, which is the reason for the lack of pictures lately! I wanted to seperate my business post with my regular crazy life post so go check out my new photo blog...
ohhh and....I have had so many request for my birth announcement templates I thought I would give selling them a try they are at ...
Just and I had a little brake threw, or we have come to an agreement. He has been obsessed with a stupid video game thingy called warcraft. You play it on the computer...it is lame and childish and I have been really mad about it mainly because he plays it from the moment he gets home untill he goes to bed and he has stopped helping me with all of the house stuff. We have an agreement that both of us work and when we are both home we share the reasponcibilites so this new obsession is huge problem for me. I can barely keep up as it is, I need his help. So we talked and he felt really bad about how stressed I have been and for not helping out as much. He is not playing as much and when he palys he sits in the office with me so that we can still talk and spend some time together. compromise.
I hired a housekeeper. Yep I am spoiled. I have always felt like that was my reasponcibility and that it would be so wrong for me to pay so one to do my job....well I am so over that those thoughts. WHO CARES? My house is clean, I dont have to scrub the tolets, I am happier about it all and I only have to pay her $100 a month. Yep life is good!
and the best news of all...we bought a new car...well its a SUV. I am so glad to be rid of our car. It has done it time and now I am ready to move on. We decieded to go with a Toyota Sequoia...04'...tan...custom leather...dvd play....ahhhh. I dont want to brag but I am just so excited. My other car had been threw the ringer. It had paint and crayon on the seats, a hole in the muffler underneith the front part of the car that made me sound like a had a hot rod. It also had an oil leak that was going to cost over a grand to fix so whenever I can to visit anyone I had to park on the road so I wouldn't drip all over their driveway. It was just in sad shape and yes a 8 passanger vehicle is very exsessive for us right now BUT we are going to have other babies and I like to keep my cars for a long time...get good use out of them ya know so we made the leap and upgraded!
I will post pictures this week, I have lots to post and I have posted a couple on my new blog so go check it out!
Monday, February 12, 2007
6 weird things
I dont know why I this is so weird...maybe because the last time I did this I revealed the weirdest thing about me and I cant top it. What is weirder then the fingernail thingy? Well farts...
1- I like the smell of my own farts. You know the kind of person that farts in bed and then lifts up the covers to smell it...yep that's me. It is gross I know but I do it anyway. Thank goodness I have married a hubby who likes to smell his own farts too.
2-I only shave once a week. I dont like shaving and I get the worst razor burn in the world, I have tried everything but nothing has worked sooo I stay hairy...except for the one day that I shave! Yep its real sexy I know.
3-I am deathly afraid of aliens. I don't go outside at night alone, I am a very light sleeper because I am afriad I might be abducted. I cant watch movies with aliens in them and when I was in high school I sware there was an alien in my room and stayed up all night, laid still and bawled. I then went to school and told some people about it they all laughed and made me feel totally retarded!
4- I dont like licorice, at all. I think it is sooo yucky!
5-I get very reclusive and shy when I talk to the "barbies" in this town. You know that ones with fake boobs, blond hair, size zero's. I feel like I cant even talk to them, I stutter over my words. I feel completely incompitant around them. I hate that about me, that something so stupid as looks can effect me so much and I hate that I can look at these beautiful women and want to be them. No one is perfect !
6-I talk to my dead grandma. She has been dead for three years but whenever I am having a hard day I will look up and say things like "please help me threw this day" I like to think that she watches over my family. I like to believe that she is with the rest of my family in heaven preparing them to come down to us. I miss her so much, we were so close, having her gone is like having a mother die.
1- I like the smell of my own farts. You know the kind of person that farts in bed and then lifts up the covers to smell it...yep that's me. It is gross I know but I do it anyway. Thank goodness I have married a hubby who likes to smell his own farts too.
2-I only shave once a week. I dont like shaving and I get the worst razor burn in the world, I have tried everything but nothing has worked sooo I stay hairy...except for the one day that I shave! Yep its real sexy I know.
3-I am deathly afraid of aliens. I don't go outside at night alone, I am a very light sleeper because I am afriad I might be abducted. I cant watch movies with aliens in them and when I was in high school I sware there was an alien in my room and stayed up all night, laid still and bawled. I then went to school and told some people about it they all laughed and made me feel totally retarded!
4- I dont like licorice, at all. I think it is sooo yucky!
5-I get very reclusive and shy when I talk to the "barbies" in this town. You know that ones with fake boobs, blond hair, size zero's. I feel like I cant even talk to them, I stutter over my words. I feel completely incompitant around them. I hate that about me, that something so stupid as looks can effect me so much and I hate that I can look at these beautiful women and want to be them. No one is perfect !
6-I talk to my dead grandma. She has been dead for three years but whenever I am having a hard day I will look up and say things like "please help me threw this day" I like to think that she watches over my family. I like to believe that she is with the rest of my family in heaven preparing them to come down to us. I miss her so much, we were so close, having her gone is like having a mother die.
My 5 things that make me happy
1-Being told I am the best mom ever by Kase. Lately he will come up and cuddle with me and tell me that I am the best Mom ever! That is a great feeling.

2-Having parent of african american baby call and schedual a session. Babies like that a rare in our town but I love the photograph them. They are always the most beautiful children!
3-Getting my hair done. Ahhhhh 3 hours of alone time, time to be pampered, time to not work, time to take care of me.
4-Scrapnight. That is the highlight of the week for me. I love all the girls that go. We are all such good friends and I am so glad that I have found friends who get me.
5-My relationship with Justin. It is not perfect, I know and I am sure people wonder how we are going to make it but we love each other. We yell, we fight hard and we love hard. I dont think that a relationship should go without the trials and the hardships. It makes you respect the relationship even more. I am grateful to have him in my life.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Working on focus...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Meet Tiny...
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