Monday, February 12, 2007

6 weird things

I dont know why I this is so weird...maybe because the last time I did this I revealed the weirdest thing about me and I cant top it. What is weirder then the fingernail thingy? Well farts...

1- I like the smell of my own farts. You know the kind of person that farts in bed and then lifts up the covers to smell it...yep that's me. It is gross I know but I do it anyway. Thank goodness I have married a hubby who likes to smell his own farts too.

2-I only shave once a week. I dont like shaving and I get the worst razor burn in the world, I have tried everything but nothing has worked sooo I stay hairy...except for the one day that I shave! Yep its real sexy I know.

3-I am deathly afraid of aliens. I don't go outside at night alone, I am a very light sleeper because I am afriad I might be abducted. I cant watch movies with aliens in them and when I was in high school I sware there was an alien in my room and stayed up all night, laid still and bawled. I then went to school and told some people about it they all laughed and made me feel totally retarded!

4- I dont like licorice, at all. I think it is sooo yucky!

5-I get very reclusive and shy when I talk to the "barbies" in this town. You know that ones with fake boobs, blond hair, size zero's. I feel like I cant even talk to them, I stutter over my words. I feel completely incompitant around them. I hate that about me, that something so stupid as looks can effect me so much and I hate that I can look at these beautiful women and want to be them. No one is perfect !

6-I talk to my dead grandma. She has been dead for three years but whenever I am having a hard day I will look up and say things like "please help me threw this day" I like to think that she watches over my family. I like to believe that she is with the rest of my family in heaven preparing them to come down to us. I miss her so much, we were so close, having her gone is like having a mother die.


Katelyn said...

i think youre "wired" things.. aer GREAT.. you made me laugh.. but also, you made me realize that no one IS perfect.. and everyone is a little weird.. while i dont agree with number 1.. i think mine reek..aha..i def agree with 5.. i wanna see pics!!!

Angela said...
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Ren said...

I'm forgetting the fingernail thing...?

#1 is funny - my reveal? We play 'the fart game' in our house. You know, the one from Eddie Murphy's movie. Raw or Delerious, I can't remember which now.

I hardly shave in winter. It's terribly but I'm always in jeans.

#6 gave me a sad smile. My grandmother was very important to me too, like a mother. She's been gone just over 10 years now and I still miss her terribly.

Unknown said...

Too funny!!

I have to tell you...laser hair removal is your friend:)

Noel said...

Kellie you crack me up!! I love reading the weird things because it makes everyone so human.