Tuesday, July 03, 2007

8 things

I was tagged by meegs ... http://meeganlittlefield.blogspot.com/ to list 8 things I love...
1. Compliments...oh love to hear anything nice. I beat myself up so much it is just nice hear anything positive. It makes me feel like a good person.

2. Affection from my kids. I love hugs and kisses from them.

3. Oreo Cookies...yummy! I can eat a whole bag of them in a day!

4. Traveling. I am a huge traveler, I am not content staying in this town and not seeing whats out there. I love to go and do things, see new towns, visit friends, eat new foods! I love to travel.

5. Yoga...every time I go it kicks my butt and I still love it. It is the best kind of workout! I took a class last week with my good friend Lisa and I am still sore! I was totally drained after we went but it is my favorite kind of exercise.

6. Peach anything, peach lotion, peach candles, air freashener...I love that smell!

7. My two passions....photography and scrapbooking. Photography has taken over my life lately so I haven't had time to do a lot of scrapbooking. But I love both and I am glad I have creative outlooks in my life!

8. My friends. I have a huge group of people who care about me. That is one of the things I am soo grateful for in my life. No matter where I have been I always walk away with at least one really good friend that I stay in contact with. It feels really good to have so many people care about me.


Ren said...

Kelly - you are gorgeous! And I love your honesty. There - 2 compliments :)

Anonymous said...

I check your blog daily to see if you update it:) You are a very talented photographer/scrapbooker.
Gorgeous with gorgeous kids:)