Thursday, July 05, 2007

What is up with little boys and their wieners?

Seriously! Today we went out to eat and in the middle of dinner Kase announces to the restaurant that his wiener is sticking up.
"well quit playing with it" I said
"I didn't"
"Kase it doesn't stand up on it's own for no reason"
"Yes it does"
"Kase trust me I KNOW, it doesn't"
"Well why not?"
"Because when you touch it, then it stands up"
"And if you touch it too much it will fall off."
"No it won't"
"I am serious it will shrivel up and fall off"
"Oh I guess I won't play with it."
WHYYYYYY does he rub it like a wishing stone all freakin day long? Boys are fun!


JC Photography said...

Okay seriously I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. That is hilarious! I can't wait to have a boy someday - SHEESH!!!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

OMGosh that is too funny! I know I am going to dread when my DS starts doing the scratching/grabbing etc. He is 4 now.