Well we didnt make it up to go snowmobiling...Kase was so disapointed! I was and I wasn't. I had been so sick...there was no way we could have done the trip. I was sick for over 2 weeks, I am finally starting to feel better. Seriously the flu KICKED MY BUTT! We did make it up to my Moms this past weekend. I left feeling so greatful that I have the Family I do. All of us siblings are increadably close, we talk almost weekly, and when are home we stay up till the wee hours of the morning laughing and just being us! I want to take a sec and write down why I love each of them!

My Mom... In the past I use to hate the fact that she would never sit still and just visit with us, but now I am beginning to understand her more. She is task oriented, she is always doing something, she is extremly motivated, she is a hard worker. We all picked up strength from her in these areas.
My Step-Dad...He is so much like me I love to talk with him. I sat up and talked to him till 4 am. He is very smart, he is a people person. He is a great singer. I love to listen to his cheesy jokes. He is a strength to our family. It is such a change, he helps make Moms house HOME.

Rob...Stong and Silent. Rob does want to start problems, he listen alot, thinks alot. He doesnt like to argue. He is hilarious, he tells the funniest stories. I just love Rob.

Ash...She is head strong and stubborn. She wants to get her point accross, she doesnt want to be labeled as a dumb blond. She is nothing like that. She is smart, she thinks for herself, and she so talented. She is so Beautiful, I am sometimes jealous of her. She is very opposite of me sometimes and other time you can't tell us apart. She is an amazing woman.

Shayla...I am the closest with Shayla. It is hard to talk about her without cring. She has been a great friend and buddy to me. She is very curious about so many things and at times I fell like I am more like her Mother. My kids love her. She is so fun to be around, she can make anyone laugh. I look forward to her growing and maturing more and more. I cherish the friendship I have with her.

Jayce...He is Macies Favorite. He is quite and soft spoken. He is sooo talented in Baseball and school. He is the most like my Mom. Very task oriented, But is starting to be more interested in our little sibling talks!

Tyler...I carried this boy with me everywhere in High School. Trips to Walmart...Dates...He has always been my buddy. He is very curious and misteivous. He is alot like Kase which is way they get along so well. I love this little guy!
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