WOW! 6 lbs 3 oz ( i think) She is sooooo dang tiny. Born to Clint and Teresa Larsen on the 24th of October at about 3:30! She is beautiful, such a Larsen! It just happened that we were up in rexburg at the same time as her birth so we stopped by on the way home. I got to take pictures of her and it was hillarious, the little stinker wouldn't sleep. She pooped on Clint twice and peed a couple as well, He was not too thrilled about that whole thing. So Teresa nursed her, wrapped her up and nothing. She was sooo alert. Finally after we were done she wrapped her up and that was it she was asleep.
I cant explain the feelings i had holding her. It was soo overwhelming for me. At first i couldn't stop crying. Luckily Teresa was on the phone threw all of my bawling, i honestly couldn't control the tears. The spirt that brand new babies have is so intense. I also had an feeling come to me that she was the closest person to the family we still have waiting for us in heaven. I have no doubt that she knows and assiciated with them. That just touched me. It was nice to be in the presence of such a heavenly being.
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