Monday, October 24, 2005

This is a Vent

I am not very happy right now and maybe I should give my self time to cool off but part of my blog is therapy so I am going to vent. I am an open book, always have been, you want to know if Justin and I have had rough times in our marriage I want to know about the biapolar mis-diagose , i talk about it, You want to know about the day I felt like my kids should be taken away, you get it and get it Truethfully It does nobody any good to sit in ther make believe PERFECT world while other sit and struggle. Yes I have been through alot of crap, yes I am not perfect I lack tack, i can't spell, I could be a better mom and wife. We all have crap that we deal with! Pretending to be perfect will not help anyone, it makes us all feel depressed. I fell it is a bit dishonest to pretend that you are something that you are not. But that is your choice. What makes me so upset is that I was told tonight by someone that I respect and cherish that "he/she" was disappointed to hear that my BLOG had too many things that were too personal. Have I ever typed about anything crude or inappropriate? I honestly don't believe so. So why is it a big deal? and why is it bothering me so much? I am just steamed about it. This has been a great way for me to keep in touch with people that I don't regularly talk to daily, to give people a glance at my life. If you dont like it, you dont like me ! That is what hurts me soo badly. Ok enough with the vent I need to finish up packing and getting my SIL baby present ready before we leave to Rexburg tomarrow. I just HAD to get this off my chest, that way Justin will not hear about all the way up to Idaho!! LOL you know how much he enjoys that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kellie, You're one of my favorite people! I feel bad that you were hurt by someone. When I first heard of this blog busness (by you)I thought it was weird. (mostly because I'd never heard of it) but I find myself just going to it and reading about you. It's like a favorite t.v. show and i can't wait for the next episode. I miss you and it's nice to atleast hear about you!! I'm such a personal person so don't be ashamed, think of it as a gift that you can be so open. I love you!!! P.S. I don't have a blog so to hear about me, you need to call :)