Tuesday, August 30, 2005
My bad day is OVER
Justin and talked through the whole quitting thing, As much as I dont agree with it, I am agian being a supportive. I went on a hunt for a picture to go on his new business card. I had a beautiful rose shot. I thought it would be stunning on a card. It was so pretty and bright. You've got to know Justins reation, "I am not going to give out a card with a flower on it, that is just stupid." There is nothing wrong with getting in touch with your feminine side. LOL! So I think we will use a palm tree instead, that is manly enough right?
Saturday, August 27, 2005
I am having a Bad day
I dont know why but I feel like it all came crashing down. Just a combo of things i guess. I am worried about a number of things. Most important on the list of worry is Justins job. He wants to quit, no he already quit. I was not included in this and it just ticks me off. I also just had a hard week with watching extra kids, having a bit of a cold and recouping from the trip up north. I realized that i have gained 15 lbs in 2 weeks...who does that? I know I am not prego-already checked that option. So it all has crashed down on me. Just waiting for a pick me up to lift my spirits. Oh I wish I could go to that Scrap Expo in SLC that is so the fix I need!! Oh well something else will come up. Stress will go away, Justin & I will work threw this crap with our counclor, life will go on. But today I am just having a bad day!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Mini Vacation Is Over
We are back from our Trip! Woe, Driving by myself w/ the kids was such a challenge! There was screaming and fighting, Macie tried to let herself out while we were going down the interstate, we lost 5 binkies, our DVD player wasn't working too good and our DVDs were all sratched. I will re-think the next time I plan to go solo!
After all that driving drama we had a blast. Kase and Macie had their first ride on a boat and in a tube. It was a blast, Kase kept telling Grandpa Buxton "faster, faster!!" Grandma and I kept saying "slow down," Just saying that makes me feel old! I got to water ski and after one crash I was done. We were on the lake when the sunset and it was so beautiful!
Of course, I got to spend some time with Rob, which was the purpose of the trip! We had a really good talk. He seems alot happier, it is good to have you back Rob!
We also got to see Brookie, it has been a year since our last little visit. I am glad she is still in Utah or I would never see her! The kids got all kinds of excited when she came, they were showing her tricks and talkin' her ear off!
We got to have dinner with Michy too. Kase informed her that "Mom is going to have a baby named Mckai, and when he is big I will get a bunkbed." Michy shot me a dirty look and said "are U pregnant, I had to find out from Kase?" Oh no, Kase has it in his head that he has a Brother waiting to join our family. He talks about him daily, he has told everyone! His Primary class, the YW presidency, people at the store. It makes a good cover up fo my pudginess! Anyway it was so nice to see Michy and Bryce, I am sure we all talked their ears off!
It seems like when we get around people we know we all just talk and talk and talk! Maybe it is the fact that I am alone with the kids from 6 am-9pm everyday, we are kinda sick of each others stories by now! It was soooo good to visit with everyone, it was a great pick me up. At the same time it is making me feel so alone down here. I have such good friendship with Michy and Brookie and it so hard to even come close with anyone else. sigh! I sure miss you guys!
After all that driving drama we had a blast. Kase and Macie had their first ride on a boat and in a tube. It was a blast, Kase kept telling Grandpa Buxton "faster, faster!!" Grandma and I kept saying "slow down," Just saying that makes me feel old! I got to water ski and after one crash I was done. We were on the lake when the sunset and it was so beautiful!
Of course, I got to spend some time with Rob, which was the purpose of the trip! We had a really good talk. He seems alot happier, it is good to have you back Rob!
We also got to see Brookie, it has been a year since our last little visit. I am glad she is still in Utah or I would never see her! The kids got all kinds of excited when she came, they were showing her tricks and talkin' her ear off!
We got to have dinner with Michy too. Kase informed her that "Mom is going to have a baby named Mckai, and when he is big I will get a bunkbed." Michy shot me a dirty look and said "are U pregnant, I had to find out from Kase?" Oh no, Kase has it in his head that he has a Brother waiting to join our family. He talks about him daily, he has told everyone! His Primary class, the YW presidency, people at the store. It makes a good cover up fo my pudginess! Anyway it was so nice to see Michy and Bryce, I am sure we all talked their ears off!
It seems like when we get around people we know we all just talk and talk and talk! Maybe it is the fact that I am alone with the kids from 6 am-9pm everyday, we are kinda sick of each others stories by now! It was soooo good to visit with everyone, it was a great pick me up. At the same time it is making me feel so alone down here. I have such good friendship with Michy and Brookie and it so hard to even come close with anyone else. sigh! I sure miss you guys!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Leaving for the weekend
I am just heading off to my moms for the weekend after plans fell threw on the AZ trip, i needed a pick me up! I will post when i get my house back in order...ever notice it takes a whole day to pack and 3 to unpack why is that exactly?
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Just one more for today!
Kase and Macie got in one of their typical arguements today, one of them ended up biting the other and they both headed off to time outs. When they were donei sat with the two of them and tried to explain that we dont bite and that Heavenly Father isnt happy when we fight. Macie turned to me and said "and Joesph Smith, about Joesph Smith?" I had to include Joesph Smith in the mix. So now when they fight not only does it drive Me Crazy but it disappoints Joesph Smith! Too cute!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Today My HOUSE is Clean

Lately I have been watching other mothers that know . I compair my life to there's and it just depresses me. I feel like i dont have a grip on MY life, my kids are the sassy , disobedient ones, my house is always a complete disaster, and i run around from task to task in no order. I feel stress, maxed out and completely overwhelmed. I know that I am not the only one that is busy but how to they all do it? and do it seemingly perfectly? Maybe it because I dont know how to say no, maybe I enjoy the craziness, maybe i do have too much going on. But today I am going to enjoy 2 simple facts...#1 My house is mostly cleaned meaning, floors are mopped or vacummed. Toys are away and the table is finally cleared and wiped off. and #2 I had time to scrapbook. I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to scraping i am bulimic-no i do not have an eating disorder, no worries. I just scrapbook in binges. I will usually go a week at a time where all of my spare time is devoted to my little scrap nook. after the week the craving is over and I wait till the next time i get the itch. So I am proud to say I am catch up with Kases book! Yea for me!
So i may not accomplish alot in somes eyes aka you perfect mothers that I have been talking about, but at least today i can look back and say I am not the perfect mother that i had once invisioned but I am me and my house is clean and my scraping is done for today, just for today!
Hair Styles

I had to capture their trendy hair styles. Little miss priss and Punk Rocker. I am havin' a blast with both kids hair. Macie's hair will do alot now and I am soooo glad she grew out of that mullet stage! Kase is still mad that i cut the sides of his hair off, he refuses to fix it in a mohalk, "i want to look like Daddy," He says.
It wasnt too long ago I remember how frustrating it was to get a picture of the two. It is so hard to get them both looking and both smiling somedays and others they sit pose and say cheese!!! They have had slot of practic with my camera attached at my hip! Just happened to be a day they felt like smiling!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Kase's Talk Picture
Monday, August 15, 2005
How can this be?
Kase my little four year old gave his first talk in Primary. I was predicting a disaster, mainly because i forgot and at 1:00 am Saturday (while in the shower) I remembered. But I woke early found a pre done talk on the web and we practiced. Kase did so well it was hard not to cry during it all. He spoke so clear and he was soooo excited. It just left me longing for more time to cherish him. To cherish my moments as a Mother and even though I have tough days I am thankfull to have this calling in life. Can you believe he is four already???
First Entry: explaination why
This is my First time doing this but i wanted to somehow document our lives for others to see. I don't keep in touch as much as i should so hopefully this will help keep everyone informed. I want you to see our life for what it is...joyful and hard, challenging and rewarding, chaotic and mellow!
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