Monday, August 15, 2005

How can this be?

Kase my little four year old gave his first talk in Primary. I was predicting a disaster, mainly because i forgot and at 1:00 am Saturday (while in the shower) I remembered. But I woke early found a pre done talk on the web and we practiced. Kase did so well it was hard not to cry during it all. He spoke so clear and he was soooo excited. It just left me longing for more time to cherish him. To cherish my moments as a Mother and even though I have tough days I am thankfull to have this calling in life. Can you believe he is four already???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kellie! I know how you feel. Carson had the theme in Primary last month and he actually memorized it. It doesn't seem like very long ago that we were both preggies together. Kase is so big and so handsome. I can't wait to see more of your family!