Lately I have been watching other mothers that know . I compair my life to there's and it just depresses me. I feel like i dont have a grip on MY life, my kids are the sassy , disobedient ones, my house is always a complete disaster, and i run around from task to task in no order. I feel stress, maxed out and completely overwhelmed. I know that I am not the only one that is busy but how to they all do it? and do it seemingly perfectly? Maybe it because I dont know how to say no, maybe I enjoy the craziness, maybe i do have too much going on. But today I am going to enjoy 2 simple facts...#1 My house is mostly cleaned meaning, floors are mopped or vacummed. Toys are away and the table is finally cleared and wiped off. and #2 I had time to scrapbook. I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to scraping i am bulimic-no i do not have an eating disorder, no worries. I just scrapbook in binges. I will usually go a week at a time where all of my spare time is devoted to my little scrap nook. after the week the craving is over and I wait till the next time i get the itch. So I am proud to say I am catch up with Kases book! Yea for me!
So i may not accomplish alot in somes eyes aka you perfect mothers that I have been talking about, but at least today i can look back and say I am not the perfect mother that i had once invisioned but I am me and my house is clean and my scraping is done for today, just for today!
1 comment:
I would like to give an AMEN to everything that you just said. GOOD FOR YOU for doing all that you did today. It is a good feeling that I don't get very often. Enjoy it and keep scrappin!
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