Friday, August 11, 2006

Nothing Better

So Amber brought this fabulous homemade cheesecake to our little bi-monthly scrap night. Oh man it was good. We are talking better then Cheesecake Factory good. It was soo good I just sat there in my own little world eating the cheesecake, ahhh heaven! So Ang leans over and says "it is so good, hun? Couldn't you just sit in bed naked, eat this cheesecake and feel completely satisfied?"
Well I am sitting in bed naked eating that very cheesecake and YES Satisfied I am :)


Angela said...

You crack me up!!!!! But dang, that cheesecake was gooooooood.

amber said...

Never have tried it naked?! Thanks for the compliments.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't eat cheesecake naked in my bed because of the crumbs...I keep it in the kitchen...and hopefully the blinds are shut because you don't want to accidentally peek in on me eating nakedly in my kitchen!!! Kelly you crack me up!