Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I am happy with who I am....

It seems like all of my life I have been searching for acceptance from other people. I have always need approval from everyone that I meet. It drives me crazy when people don't like me and I tend to over compinsate to win over the person that doesn't like me. I have done alot to change and mold into this person that I think everyone else wants me to be. You think that I'd grow out of it but it is something that I have been working on all my life. What is cool is that I am now finding people who like the weird corky things about me. People who actually embrace the side of me I have kept hidden for so long. It is weird how that happens, weird how I can find people who like the actually me. It is becoming easier to let my walls down, easier to love me, and to let people in. That is a really cool feeling.


austin and cherisse said...

yeah just be yourself and the rest of them can go jump off of something high. you can't bend over backwards because then you lose who you really are, you try to please too many people and become a false you.

Katelyn said...

thats great.. i recently started hanging out with some people who make me feel the same way. its a wonderful feeling!!.. hope all is well

Plain Jame said...

I like you the way you are too! I will totally always struggle with that. It comes in waves, or is triggered by someone or something. It catches me off guard sometimes and I'm like "why do I even care?" I guess you'd be someone totally different if you didn't care what people thought... ever think of that?

JC Photography said...

Kellie - You stay true to who you are. It's the weird corky Kellie that I love!