Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I wondering if I am setting the kids up...

to be Molested. Now let me explain myself...

We are a very open family. We have always been comfortable being naked around the kids. We shower, we dress, we go the bathroom around them. I always wanted it to be that way, becuase being naked or talking about being naked or anything remotely to do with sex was so tabu in my house. I was 13 and still didn't know that my parents had sex...13 yrs and I had no clue! I feel like that got me into alot of trouble, I learned from other people. It was never explained to me other then IT IS BAD! I didn't want my kids feeling that way, and I didn't want them ever feeling like they couldn't ask me about certain personal things. I want to be able to talk to them about it, I want it to be no big deal.

Because we are so open about being naked, will they be comfortable being naked other places. Will that set them up to be molested. How do I talk to them about it being an "only at home thing" with out scaring them? I talked to Kase about strangers once and it freaked him out. He wouldn't even look at people at walmart because "they could steal him" I guess I dont know the words to say or how to say it.
I guess because of the things that happen in our family I am soo concerned that that evil will get us. I want to prevent it, I want to be aware of it. I just hope that I am not the one that starts it by us being too open.

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