Friday, December 09, 2005


I need to slow down, embrace the spirit of Christmas! I am doing too much, I am overdoing it. That is what I do best, overcommit myself! On my T0-DO list this week...
3 photoshoots, all of which need to be edited
5 Gingerbread houses to make, for out gingerbread party
Christmas cards to mail out
A house that needs a major cleaning
Scrapbook Pages...I need to get them done because they are all over my house!!!

Now that I have it all down it doesn't look like alot BUT there is all the other Housewife and Mommy stuff that has to take priority. So I am tring to squeaze as much as I can in while kids are napping or at night when everyone is sleeping!

So I am just trying to tell myself...SLOW DOWN!

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