I can't remember ever being so happy. I have so much to be thankfull for...I have two wonderfull kids (who besides the fact that they can drive me absolutely crazy) are sweet, kind, curious and rambunctious.
Macies has picked up tis little thing where she'll say in her little pip-squeak voice, "mom, guess what?" I say "what" She says " I lus you!" We play this over and over through out the day and I just have to giggle.
Kase has grown up so much and is become more and more like a little man and to top it all off ...
Justin and I are really getting along. I realized this when we were getting in the car after our walmart trip. We had boxes (for packing our house) everwhere we could fit them including in my seat which meant I would have to sit in the back seat in between the kids. It is so squishy and uncomfortable and I wasnt looking forward to the ride home all crammed there. I was whinning about it mostly kidding . I turned around and that sweet, huge man was crawling into the back seat.
I know that was such a simple gesture and wouldn't meant that much to most people but it did to me. For all the years that we have honestly hated one other and secretly prayed for a way out of such a misrable marriage (yes it has been that bad!) It is feeling like we are pulling out of it, that we are both trying to strengthen our realtionship and that feels SOOOOO good. It feels better then I can even describe! So today I am just full of graditude!
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