How could they not be. I have had my TV on 24-7 watching all the news channels, I even missed Passions and Days because of it. I just wanted to hear the lastest updates. But today I couldnt watch, I saw videos of children being pulled out of the water by national gaurdsmen. I watch as they moved ICU infants to other hostpitals and I lost it today. I am feeling an over whelming feeling of gratitude. Glad it wasnt us and even more grateful it was my kids going threw that. It breaks my heart.
With that said I find it very intersting that I had they day i had and didn't flip out! We are leaving to go camping for the weekend up in oak grove. I have been busy shopping and packing trying to get our house in order to go. Everytime i turn my back my lovely, wonderfull, sweet children find somethime to get into. Macie got ahold of mommy's lipstick and had it as eyeshadow, hairspray and blush! Instead of yelling I laughed, and grabbed my camera for some shots. Next I sent her into the bathroom to wash it all of and she decieded that her hair was not fixed properly this morning so she put a massive amount of hair glue (yep not gell, glue) into her hair, it was sticking staight up and was soooo stiff! So we took a bath & I being exhausted from the days activites snuck into the computer room for a break. Well both of my fabulous children figured out how to throw wet balls of tolet paper and did so ALL over my shower and bathroom. So I am done for the day, kids are in bed and the toliet paper is still on the walls...maybe i will clean it up when I get back from camping or maybe gravity will just bring the blasted things down! Have a great Labor day weekend!
1 comment:
Kellie--Did you take that black and white picture of the feet! It's adorable!!!!!
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