The last time I do a free photo session for a friend or for family. I have been burned too many times. I can't keep doing this to myself, yes I do it to myself. Whenever I volunteer to do a free shoot I get burned.
The first time it happened almost a year ago with a family member. My whole family drove up north to take pictures and then they were never used. I never got a thank you, never heard anything untill I got an announcement in the mail without any of my pictures on it. To top it off they were picture with the exact same poses I had used! Slap in the face. Quite honestly the relationship has never been the same. I dont like to be one to hold grudges, I really don't but I feel I am very loyal to my friends I expect that in return. Too much to ask? I don't know.
In between I have had other situations come up. I have been asked to take pictures here and there for family and friends and hadnot minded doing so. But then when they want to order or want a real shoot with me they act all offended that I actually charge. Seriously, let me just take HOURS away from my life, my kids, my family to put you first. This job takes time, it really does. I dont just take 5 mins to take the picture and that is it. I spend hours editing. I expect something...even if it is just a thank you.
This time it is with a friend, this time I took the 12 hour drive by myself with my kids to do FREE pictures. Same situation, never got a thank you and this time never got the announcement. I have been friends with this person for years. I even talked to her about the last time I got burned, how hurt I was. And now she does the exact same thing.
I am so pissed right now. What makes me sooo mad is that I volunteered, I VOLUNTEERED. Am I stupid? 12 hours plus the 4hrs to edit them, plus we were moving ( shoul be happy I got out of moving the heavy stuff), plus I canceled other clients to go on the trip. How can people be so inconsiderate? I wonder if I have done the same. If I have It makes me sad.
So from now on to protect myself, I will not volunteer for free shoots. I won't do it. You want pictures, you call book and pay. Of course everything stays the same with friends rates. I don't charge friends full price, never have but I can't get burned again. I dont like the feelings I feel after. I dont want to have to hold a grudge and I dont want to waist my time. If that sounds greedy or selfish or rude then so be it. Sometimes you have to be that way and really I dont have the time to be used.