Monday, September 04, 2006

Finally Pics from our Zion Narrows Trip

We hiked the Narrows back at the first part of summer but I didn't want my camera to get wet so I let The Dyers take pics for us. I should have taken it with us but I just didn't know how much water we were going to go threw.

Us girls were too "wussy" to carry the kids in the backpacks so the guys WILLINGLY did it.

Starting to get into the deep part, Kase still wanted to walk. He even had a walking stick like us.

The Dyer Clan.

This really was the deepest spot. It wasn't that bad at all...Except for Macie she wanted to get down in the water so she was screaming!

Taking a break...this is where we decieded to turn around.

We were all pooped! Macie feel alseep just standing in the shuttle!


ticee said...

poor little Macy! but she sure is cute. You guys are a cute family!

Tori said...

Awww..what an awesome place to go. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing the places kids can sleep, I found Brooke in the basket of the stroller once, she got tired on the walk and fell fast asleep down there! This looks like a great day! I am jealous! We would love to hike in places like Zion's for a day trip!