to finally get Macie out on a chair in a field. I am in love with her white dress and of course the stool is something I cherish...it is my grandmas. It is old it is falling apart and it is hers! I have the picture of her going HUN? On my wall and I love it, mainly because it is her. The expression is her, she doesn't want to sit on the stool with her legs crossed, she doesn't want to look at me so when I beg, pled, bribe and sometimes yell I get the WHAT? look. and that is our life :)
Oh and check out Meegs site....www.meeganlittlefeild.blogspot.com
Kellie these are beautiful and Macie is so cute
she is so beautiful! Just like her momma!
I love the one on the stool..I love stuff when it has sentimental value..I have a red chair that was my mamaw's mothers..and I love it. I just got the other one from my mother and painted it butter yellow. It just makes you so confident to know you have that peice of heritage to share. Great High Key too!!! She is a doll..as usual.!
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