Friday, September 15, 2006


I have to do the good in this post too because I am really sad about the bad. So the bad laptop died. Yep had it what 3 months and it died. Black screen died. Hard drive not recoverable died. I am more then sad. It is depressing. I of course have family pictures on there but what is really sad is that I have 3 sessions from this week on there and the guess it GONE! So sad. Can't do anything about, it just adds to an already yucky week.

THE GOOD...There is a couple goods in this one.
First I went out and bought a HS Iron. I have been talking about it forever! It was my "make me feel better cause my 'puter died" present. Pathetic that I can find almost any excuse to buy scrap stuff. hehe.

#2 My Scrap desk is assembled and almost organized. Woo Hooo! I have a ton of work space and I am LOVING it! Now if only I could find the time to scrap. Picture coming soon!

#3 I dont know if anyone remembers but I did a session with a Dr. and his grandbaby a while back. He and his wife were so nice and told me to bring in whatever I wanted to go in there office for advertisment. Well, I haven't gotten anything in there yet...i am soo busy as is. But he is still give people my info. Dude I gotta get that guy some business cards! Oh and Brochures are ordered! Yep hopefully by monday they will be here! I can't wait!!!!!! (if anyone is in need of a graffic me I have found a great one!)

#4 The kids are in school. Yes this is a great thing, I thought I would be so sad for them to go but I AM NOT! Kase is half day everyday and Macie is twice a week. ( I had full intentions of posting 1st day of school pics with each of my kids but as you know my 'puter eat them.) Anyway I went to Costco without them and get this....I got everything on my list. I could focus, I walked right to where I needed. Grab my things and I was off . It took me less then 30 mins. Seriously costco is a 1 hour plus with the kidlets. ahhhh. I am loving the break, plus I am doing photo sessions during that time. Love school! Sad they are growing up but I love the time to myself. The time to breath!

Ok I have more good things to post but I am feeling better about the death in our family (hehehe) . I will save the other news for later...maybe when I can post pictures...gesh 3 entries and no pics whats wrong with me?


Angela said...

that is a bummer dude! sorry!

Tori said...

Sorry to hear that...I hope that your "Retail Therapy" helped! :)

Anonymous said...

that is just sad!! But at least you have some good in your life to balance it all out!