But I just need to get it out, I just need to get it off my mind. It is going to be long, so read away or just skip it I dont care.
Justin and I are having issues again. It started last weekend when we decieded to go up north. We both had been running around trying to get ready to leave. WE were going to get the car all packed up the night before so we could just head out of town first thing in the morning. I hadn't planned on leaving town and there was alot still left to do. He had a friend that needed help moving, which was fine. But then he calls wanting to go hang out with the guys after the moving. I said no, I told him why and he was mad. Oh well. So he stays out helping his friend move untill 11:30, which leaves me up untill that time finishing all of the stuff we are suppose to do together. Then he wondered why I was so mad when he got home, humm shouldn't be hard to figure out. Plus when I called to ask when he would be home he hung up on me. I didn't yell at him or anything I was just wondering when he'd be home and he hangs up and doesn't answer the phone the rest of the night.
Then we had Heather and Brandon over for FHE on monday night to carve pumpkins. I ran around all day and got home a hour before they came. I still hadn't unpacked all the way from SLC and the house was a mess. So I ran around like crazy getting it clean and getting the kids dressed so that they looked good in the picutres of carving pumkins (yes the important stuff) We hadn't had dinner yet, we had a late luch the kids were fine, I figured we would eat after they left. Well the men deceide they were hungry and so we started talking about what to do, I wanted to do pizza, they wanted to go a dell taco which is 5 mins away from our house. I didn't want dell taco but I settled and I asked them to get me fries and a soft taco. So they went, I should have know better. They took 45 mins, by the time they got back we didn't have time to carve pumpkins. They had decided to go into town instead and grab food some other place, but didn't bother to call and say hey do you want a salad from here instead? No they are in the own little selfish world, they take care of themsleve and dont even think about everyone else waiting at home. So they get home and all Justin got for me was fries. I was pissed. I dont have another free night to carve the pumpkins with my kids, that night was it. There again his friend is taking priority over me and the kids.
After they left we started fighting agian, I tried to stay calm but it quickly turned into us screaming at each other, then Justin started throwing fries at my face, he did it over and over and over as I was trying to talk finally I lost it and I threw a bottle of gatoraid at him grabbed my keys and left. WHY AM I MARRIED TO THIS PERSON???? Can someone please explain to me why a 30 yr old man thinks it is ok to throw food at a person? I hate him. I am tired of this bull shit. I want to have a civil converation without him trying to ruin it. Is that too much to ask?
We have had lots of issues with his friends I can't stand them. Lately I have thought alot about why I dont like them and I have come to the conclusion that it is because I have to compete with them! When he calls Justin will drop everything...everything to go do what he wants. Taking the kids for a hour during a photoshoot takes up tooo much time but he can golf for over 4 hours with his buddies at the drop of a hat. He can't stay up, talk and work out problems in our marriage but he can stay up and play video games till 3 in the morning easily. I shouldnt have to complete with them, I should matter more then they do. I do want him to have fun with his friends, I do want him to have a break from all of his stress BUT I need time with him too. We need to be working on our marriage. I feel it detererating again, I know what this leads to and I dont want to be there again. I tired of it all, I am tired of fighting for attention.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

He always has the giggles

I love this child! He is so full of it sometimes! He is such a sweet kid, full of life, loving and caring. Sweet sweet boy!

Mr. GQ ...oh my gosh heart breaker!

Small baby...big world
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Weekend with the Roomies
So much fun! My old texan roomie summer made a unexpected trip to SLC this weekend. I haven't seen her for a years so I had to head up to hang out with her. We met at another old roomies' house. We sat and laughed and talked about alot of funny memories. What dorks we were, I would give almost anything to go back to some of those semesters at rick, gesh what I would do over, the things I could change! Anyway, it was fun going down memory lane and laughing my guts out till I cried. That was all we did in college and that is all we do now when we get together!
Oh yeah and I had to feel up michy, her boobies are monsters with milk in them...
I just had to!

Us and our kidlets.
Oh yeah and I had to feel up michy, her boobies are monsters with milk in them...

Us and our kidlets.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Mini Sessions...
I have had a couple friends asking about holiday sessions but I know how little money we all have during the holidays so I am going to offer mini holiday sessions. The session itself will be 30mins, (so way short compaired to my regular sessions) and will included 20 christmas cards. I will be charging $60 for the entire package. (F/F discount will not apply here) I only have 3 spots open in Nov and possible a couple in Dec. SO give me a call if you are intersted and we can work out the details. ~Kell
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sweet Little Boston

Oh my gosh is he not the most perfect baby you have ever seen? This family was in love with him, the older girsl attended to his every need. They wouldn't even let him wimper before one of them was at his side. This is why I love taking newborn pictures. The feeling in the homes of these families ...OH it is so spiritual for me. Holding a newborn is the closest you get to God and I get to capture that! It is a great feeling! The Mom cried when I showed her the pictures, that is the best kind of compliment you can get!
I was tagged ...
tagged by Tina http://everyday-moments.blogspot.com/...hum lets see five weird things about me.
1. I love chop sticks! I learned how to use them when I was five yrs old...I was taught by a couple in Alaska. I have been obsessed with them ever since. I can't eat any kind of chinese food without them and yes...my kids are learning how to eat with them too!
2. I chew my finger nails...but it doesn't stop there. I chew them off and I keep them in my mouth like chewing gum. Ok it gets weirder and I can't believe I am telling everyone this but I also will set them aside to eat food or brush my teeth then I will put them back in my mouth. I do this a lot when I am really stressed, it helps me calm down. It is soo nasty, I know!
3. I hate scary movies, I cant even watch the preveiws for them, they creep me out. I have to hurry and change the channel or close my eyes and ears. Oh my Gosh the grudge 2 has been giving me nightmares...it is a freaking evil commercial!
4. My closets are all color/season organized. This includes my kids closets. If I see a shirt out of place it drives me nuts and I have to fix it! Oh and all the hangers have to match. Macie and mine are white, Kases are blue and Justins are black. (this should come as a surprize if you have seen the rest of my house...it is always a mess!)
5. I love thunderstorms. When I was younger I use to go sit at the mouth of Logan canyon and watch them roll in. I still like to watch them here too. I get butterflies when I hear them roll in. I love the feeling, the smell, everything about them. I get the same feeling when I hear a song about rain. It gets me all excited!
it is your turn!!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
My Brother Rob
My Brother is in Japan for a couple weeks on business. Check out how freakin' tall he is compaired to everything...how would he fit in a car. He looks like a giant!

I am totally excited for him to be over here...he always bings me home cool stuff. I think I will be getting an real chopsticks! Woohooo! I am so excited about that!
Rob says that the food is nasty! I should send him some good american food!
BTW he is single.....
Love You Rob!
I want to let everyone know...
I just want to let all you guys know that all of my family sessions are booked clear up untill almost the end of November. If anybody wanted to get family shoots done for Christmas Cards and Presents please call me and lets get you on the calendar. I will not do any sessions from Dec 10th through the end of Jan. I am taking the month off. (except for the Webb birth, just cause i love melissa!!) So call if you wanted anything scheduled before that! thanks!
Side note...Family sessions are 50.00 and included the design of christmas cards.
(Friends and family discount is 20%off print prices.)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Reasons why I love what I do.
I have always been a people person. I love to be around people, I love their stories, their pain their joys. What is so cool about this job is that I am involved in some pain but mostly alot of joy. I have met some amazing people, with amazing stories. 

This little ones family lost twins last year and her birth helped repair the damage of that loss. I talked with the Mom for a long time, and when I got in the car I cried. She had so much strength, and conviction that she would see those twin babies again. I felt very lucky to have been able to capture these moments with her last little baby.
I had one family that had been tring to get pregnant for years with no luck. She is our PEDS nurse, she was great with my kids. She is such a nice person. They finally decided to turn in adoption papers, and a month later they had their little guy...one month!

See...this is why I love my job!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This tech was my first senior shoot! She brought 7 outfits and I love it! She had to baricade her self in her car to change...it was hillarious! She was a ton of fun, she had some great looks. I loved her glasses!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I could be losing my mind....

Wow it has been a crazy couple of weeks...who am I kidding it has been a crazy couple of months. One thing after another, I am always running around. I am in serious need of some balance and order right now. I am trying to balance my schedual, balance the times Justins has to take the kids, find a babysitter once or twice a week, fit in soccer and ballet, hobbies and exercise. Find time to edit pictures, find time to work, time for family, time for the hubster. Find time to breath. It is overwhelming. I dont know how I am going to figure it all out, how to make it work. I dont want to do daycare for my kids but I am definatly going to have to do something. Justin can't take them 3 or more times a week. It is just too much, he is losing time.
oh my gosh! I just got off the phone with a new client! I am soo excited to do this shoot! They just adopted a baby, he is a little african american baby. I am so excited. There is something so neat about adopted babies. I love to capture that feeling. I am so excited! Oh yeah and also....she has a SIL that is due in a couple weeks and she is having TWINS!!! How cool is that! I totally want to photograph twins, have forever! I have ideas stored up just for them so hopefully I can do a spectacular job and she will see them and book with me. I would love it!
Monday, October 02, 2006

Poor little lizard. He came running full force at my front tire. I couldn't stop, I tried to miss him but I saw the evidence in my rear veiw mirror. He was dead. He didn't make it, in someways it seemed he had a death sentence. Maybe he was wishing to die. He couldnt take it anymore in this heat. Poor poor little lizard. We stop and morn everyday now (which is why there is a picture of him) He will be missed :)
Poor poor Lizard!
I struggle with getting full body shots of my kids. I am obsessed with a childs' face. It seems you can capture their soul. I am trying to get more variety in my shots, what better way then to put on a tutu and tights and let her dance! Of course I had to include the upclose ones I got of her but here are some of my "out of the norm shots" Enjoy!

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