He always has the giggles

I love this child! He is so full of it sometimes! He is such a sweet kid, full of life, loving and caring. Sweet sweet boy!

Mr. GQ ...oh my gosh heart breaker!

So while we were in SLC we drove past this spot that I had taken some pics of Ash.
http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5607/1429/1600/h%201-1.jpg It is this old run down building and I love it! I wanted to do the same thing with the kids. Well Macie was not in picture mood sooo Kase hammed it up for me. Once again I struggled with only getting the up-close shots. I don't think I got the building in them at all! Maybe that is what I am... an upclose child photographer! Oh well I love them anyway!
and if you are an "up close child photographer". . . you rock it well enough that you should be proud of every up close picture you post!!! Love Kase's hair. We're growing out Keaton's too, but it's taking forever.
I too love up close photos of my child and children in general, because it just amps the emotional factor.
Kase is gonna be a heartbreaker no doubt about it!
(thanks for the sweet comment about me on Alana's blog. . . she forwarded it on to me. --totally made my day!)
He is sooooo handsome!! He has a cute lil giggle too!!
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