That is what I have been saying for the last 2 months. If I focus on more then that I get so overwhelmed I want to cry. Business is still going strong, I am a crazy women for talking more shoots in December but it is so hard to turn down the money. We need to pay our bills. We have to go to Idaho for Cmas, it all is about money. This is the first year that Justin and I haven't seriously thought about a divorce, the financal stress kills us. How cool is it that I can help out? He is a beast (insert other choice words here) when he is stressed about money and with me bearing some of the responciblities I understand why. WOW, that is alot of stress for him to do alone. It is great to be able to help out...even if I am going crazy doing it :) I really do have just one more week and that is it, but then it is cmas and gessh! I am excited for January...I have 2 new live births to be too, a couple newborns and I get to photograph my sweet little alex baby...(remember the cute tutu baby?)

Oh I love this child! I am so attached to my friends kids, I am in love with them! I think they all have the cutes little babies! Maybe it is just me being baby hungry, man I am sooo baby hungry! It kills me! Lately all of my newborn sessons have been hard on me, I find myself turning and whiping tears from my eyes! It is worst when its a baby boy...i have to be patient I guess. I tried to explain to a client why we are waiting to get pregnant...I started out with well our relationship has been really rocky, and my husband is not active in church, and she said so. and I thought hummm maybe it really isnt that big of a deal (not the relationship part the being active part) I dont know, I think I could talk myself into to anything right now. Our relatioship is better, I hate to say it is great beacause when I do that I sware I curse it and it blows up! But yes it is better, stronger, it is good. I can be happy with that...for now:)
I think it is so awesome that you are able to help out your family with finances. I really look forward to the time that I can do that. And you know. Maybe your customer is right. So. I've gone through times with my hubby not liking church, and it seems like having a baby helps bring him back (especially when he has to bless the baby). But of course, he does get bitter that he has to bless the baby, why do they have to do it in front of so many people...blah blah blah. But I say, if your dh doesn't say no to a baby, go for it!!!
I think it is wonderful that you are waiting for now. So many people would just think "het, i want a baby" and do it.. but you are thinking of yourself, your marriage and a child. and that's just lovely. i so enjoy reading your blog.. i'm glad i found it
I'm glad to hear that things are better for you? Through reading your blog I really feel like I know you - how weird is that?
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