Sunday, February 05, 2006

I am feeling very Bi-Polar at the moment

I dont know why, I am just doing alot of projects and that is one of the first signs. I have had a huge burst of creativity and I have been scraping a ton. I have completed 30 pages in 4 days. That might not seem like a alot but usually it takes a least an hour to finish just 1 pg. So to have finished 30 is crazy. I also have done personal valentines cards for kase's school and friends. I am working on the kids' bath robes, I have managed to keep a fairly clean house and do laundry also. I have done 2 mothers day presents...yes Mothers day is what 3 months away? I have made new bracletes for Macie and for a friend...Plus the calendar and my additional photo shoots, working out 1 1/2 hrs a day and normal mommy stuff. I don't know why I have been doing all of this. But it is making me feel really crazy. I am getting stuff done so I shouldnt complain but it does worry me. hummmmm

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