I think this will be a challenge I will face all of my life. There will always be someone prettier, skinnier, better then me. I can't keep up, I need to stop compairing and learn how to love me.

my weight today is 162. WOOO HOOOOO! It has fluctuated alot since I started keeping track but this is the lowest it has been so today I am feeling really good. This has been alot harder then I expected! I have my days of discouragement but I also have loved going to the gym. It releases soooo much stress and gives me time for myself.
Ok, I can't believe you can just put your weight out there like that. You are just too cool! I love your picture, even if your girls are shrinking (a major complaint of mine!)
I got your blog address from Meegan and check it out all the time. I guess you could call me a stalker. You are an amazing photographer, and do some great stuff with photoshop. Don't be so hard on yourself you look amazing. Most girls only dream of looking as cute as you.
Holy Crap girl, you are looking so good! Sometimes I think you are in my head. You look amazing and your hard work is paying off. Keep it up, I need someone to look up to!
PS, do you set up most of your pics in the bathroom? You just look so cute standing on the tub like that.
Kelly!!! You look amazing and of course you know I love your pictures.
Keep up the good work!
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