Well I just have to take a sec to brag...I had bunko tonight and I won! (A game which takes absolutly no skill what so ever ) But I was soo thrilled! Total points...432
Natural bunkos...6 yep 6! I seriously was just complaining to Justin that I always get the sucky score and have to pick the prize last. Which is not why I play, it is all about the interaction with other girls for me but still I came home doing my yeah baby dance around the house and I made justin take a pic of me looking so fabulous (lol) with my score card! Oh I am such a house wife!
I love that you made Justin take a pic of you with your score card! I'm just so happy to get to know you, and I'm LOVING reading your blog! Now I feel like I'm stalking you!!!
Will you teach me how to play bunko? I have only heard of it. It looks like a ton of fun. If I need a group of friends to play then I am screwed but would love to learn for future references.
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