She is supose to go into to be induduced today, she is a week past due, and she usually has pretty bad labors. .. Just keep her in your thoughts and prayer maybe this one will be different for her!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Trips are always a test of the stability of our relationship!
You spend that much time together with one person and you are bound to argue alittle! Add kids and a broken dvd player and it should just be expected. But overall our trip down to AZ was great! We spent way too much money...we had to hit Ikea ...and there was a fabulous bead store that I had to go to! (dont even ask me about that store, I was out of control there...I will not tell you how much I spent, I am way too ashamed)
The wedding was great I think the photos will be awsome! The location makes such a difference! I have 800 photos to proof and edit, why do I take so many pictures? seriously!! This will take me weeks! Meegan met up with me there, I was so happy to have her there. We had a great time visiting and taking pics! If only we lived closer, we could work together and cahrge people more for our business. I took a time out to take pictures of her during the wedding I will post those and wedding pics later on my website!
I also met up with some girls from a message board I visit (dont judge me, they are all normal, no weirdos) it was fun to met them and to let our kids play! One just got engaged and I got to snap some pics of her was fun to be around at such a fun time for her. Oh it makes me think back to our dating and engagment...sign such good memories.
Well this upcoming week will be another busy one...I havent unpacked my bags from AZ and we are leaving on thurs for moab and then colorado! Gesh! Hopefully I will have some time to post more...i have pic of my ikea finds and i need to post my mothers day presesnts (i have had request for pictures so they will be up this week)
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I still have much to talk about...

gift for another sil (baby advice book)

Lots of fun details about out trip to az, lots of emotion and Iam editing some very personal photos for a friend, lots of craziness, lots of money spent on trivial things that make me happy...Not enought time tonight... same with tomarrow, i must get laundry done, house cleaned, take the kids to a dino museum bla bla bla! so I will post some pics of some things I have completed & call it a night.
Friday, March 24, 2006
My Daddy

Thursday, March 23, 2006
just one of those things i HAVE to post
I am sitting here sobbing. I just came accross a website and have spent the last hour reading and bawling and being touched by these stories. It is a website dedicated to photographers who go in & photograph babies that are dieing or have already died. The stories are heart wrenching. I have print an agrement out so that I could offer my services as well, I can only imagine what it would mean to have those tender moments photographed.
please go and read the stories about the on "people we serve"
ETA: I was just talking to Justin about this and he questioned if I would even be able to do something like that. I starting thinking about it more. My first thought was back when we were in college a classmate lost a baby, there was nothing to say to her...nothing. I couldn't heal her pain I couldn't comfort her in anyway and I hated that feeling. Helpless.
This is a way to help start the healing process, to help, to serve that is it. That is why and yes I would cry and yes it would be hard BUT to give them something to cherish the rest of their lives, yes I could do that.
please go and read the stories about the on "people we serve"
ETA: I was just talking to Justin about this and he questioned if I would even be able to do something like that. I starting thinking about it more. My first thought was back when we were in college a classmate lost a baby, there was nothing to say to her...nothing. I couldn't heal her pain I couldn't comfort her in anyway and I hated that feeling. Helpless.
This is a way to help start the healing process, to help, to serve that is it. That is why and yes I would cry and yes it would be hard BUT to give them something to cherish the rest of their lives, yes I could do that.
First of Many Posts! ZIONS
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I have sooo much to post about...I just got back from AZ...which was great! But I am soooo tired I can't keep my eyes open! I need to type but it will have to be later when my brain can function!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I MUST share this!
While the kids were taken a bath today I overheard them saying..."push, harder, harder. Oh now will have to cut you ...ok here is you baby. " They kept doing it back and forth and it took me a minunte to understand what they where doing then I got it. Oh how cute the are pretending to have a baby! I grabbed the video camera and snuck up on them, The first shot I got was Kase pushing on Macies belly and then him pulling a washcloth from between macies legs, handing it to her and saying "here is your baby mam"
Ohhhhh My! So... not quite what I expected but hilliarious all the same!
I am surprized how much he got right from what actually happens. Kase has been so curious about babies how they get here, how it all works. He asks questions all the time. Askes about auntie flow and her visits, asks if I have the right egg to get pregnant, he cracks me up with all of his comments. To see him act out a women going threw labor just floors me. He is growing up so fast it is crazy! Anyway just wanted to share that because all day it made me chuckle!
bUsy BusY buSy!
I have alot going on today just wanted to post an update for all my fans :) (kidding)
I have about 3 mini projects started and in need of finishing. I am making a baby advice album for a old roomie that is prego. I am already planning on doing a free photo session when she has her little boy, but I always get so excited about friends having babies, ideas for presents just pore out of me!
I am finishing up making mothers day gifts...which i cant post pic of yet (dont want my mamas to see!) But I am sooo happy how they turned out! I hope they like them as much as i do!
I am making a birthday book so I stop forgeting b-days. My goal is to be able to send out a card or a little something to friends and the fam on their b-day.
I have loads of laundry to do so that I can pack for AZ. I have a wedding there on monday that I am shooting. Plus my Dad and step mom will be her tomarrow so I must get my house in order. I know this will be the thing that will get put off until the last min!
I (and Heathers Hubby) finally figured out how to download music onto my MP3 player. Gesh! It has been 3 months! I rocked out to my music until 2 am last night! I cant wait to go to the gym and workout to me music.
The wedding...I am so excited for this wedding! It is at an amazing place! I can't wait and I also found out that my Meegan might tag along with me !! Woo hooo that would be great!
Oh and the last thing on my list today is going and getting my eyes check for the 2nd time. I order glasses and everything to find out the perscription wasn't right! Oh lovely! So I have to have them go get things figured out!
have a good one!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
One more for tonight...
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I have a phobia of tanning beds is true. As I was laying in one tonight I started to get some serious anxiety! Did I lock the door? What if someone walked in and saw me naked? What if someones is watching me? What if the lid locked closed and I was trapped in here! Ahhhh I just want to tan in peace without all these crazy thought going thew my head!!! MAKE IT STOP!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Oh No It Is Not...
It snowed ! Yes stupid cold~ little white~flakes all has been like this for 2 days! yuck! Ok ok ok, I really do loved it! This is the first snow of the season...which our "season" is tech. over...Did I mention that it was 70 degrees 2 days ago? I was sun-tanning at the park last week!!! We went out and played in it...the kids wore their winter coats for the 1st (and only) time this year, and of course...I took pic like crazy! I wanted to get a shot of a plam tree with snow but it melted too fast!
{I had pic to post of the kids in the rain from last week but now that I have snow pics they'll have to wait!}

Ok so I loved this movie sooooo much I had to do my little reveiw of it...
Failure To Launch
First off can I just say it is hillarious! J & were laughing the whole time ! (which was sooo nice after our intence converastion we just had) I loved Sara Jessica P in this and Matthew Mcon.. great together! Anyway Just thought I'd put it out there that it is a great show!
{Date Night}
Well... all week we have been arguing AGIAN, seriously are marriages this hard???
Anyway I decieded that we needed a night out... maybe that would help. (although I really didn't want to be in the same room as him) we went out to dinner and tried to talk things out, he hates talking and he makes it so miserable on me. I am tellin you he is lucky I am as tolerant of his crap, I really dont think many women now a days would hang in as long as I have! (Not that I dont have a boat load of issue that he has to deal with...I am just saying he's lucky!) We spent the majority of dinner playing the blaming game, getting nowhere because neither of us really want to hear what we are doing wrong. Finally in the truck I said a couple things, I told that there are certian things that HE needed in our realtionship, no need for details here it is all about sex :) ! A year ago we talked that out and I had made some HUGE changes for him because that was what he needed.
Well what I needed was to know that he could get pissed, stressed, whatever...piss and moan but that he would come back to me and talk it out. I need to fix things, I need to be able to say sorry, to express my feelings, and I need to know that he is ok with that. Not "I get so sick of deal with your sh*t!" Because it is our sh*t, not mine and this is what I needed from him.
I really think it helped. He asked if we could pick a night a week and I could let him know how he was doing, we talked about other things as well.
We still haven't figured out how to avoid the huge blow-outs that we have or how to make our marriage "easy" like so many others seem to do. But this was a small accomplishment in the right direstion and that is all I can ask for!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I am Back!
Miss me? Man I am going threw withdrawls I NEED to write my thoughts down or I lose my mind! So much going on right now, So much to type. What it has only been like 3 days hun? Well first item on the list...
Macie is potty trained!!! It was a fairly easy process. I put her in underware, took her to bathroom every 20 mins and bribed her with princess panties. That was it. It has taken a little under a week to do so! Very easy! nOw Thanks to my friend Heather I am obsessed with her cute little panty Butt!

2nd I got Kase signed up for Tee-Ball...and I lied to do so. I had full intentions of lieing even before I went to sign him up! He wasn't old enough by 1 month! So his B-day is now March 4th yeah ! happy birthday Kase! He just wanted so bad to play I couldn't tell he couldn't. Yes I know I am horrible person! Oh well, Kase will play ball!
3rd I bought a new swimsuit...Shhhh Justin doesn't know, it is a surprize! Too bad I dont look as HOT as the model in it...but who does? Seriously? (well besides my friends Meegs & Vana) No one looks that good!

4th We booked tickets for our trip so I can finally talk about it, I seriously didn't wanted to jinx it so I tried to keep my mouth shut! So WE ARE GOING TO MAUI!!!! Dooootadoo! (this is me doing a little dance! We are leaving the end of May, we are going for a week AND we are going without the kids! ( Justin arranged for his parents to come down and watch them the whole time!!!) I am sooo pumped! You dont even know!
5th We got more info on the property we are supose to be building on! We have narrowed it down to 2 plans....Here they are! ETA: Ok so they are not posting..I will have to do that later!
Ok so I think that is it... I am sure I will have more to type tomarrow but for now....I am done!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
My Puter has a virus............................
I wont be postin till i get the stupid thing fixed!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I have givin' up today!
I was measured & weighed at the gym today...I am seriously discouraged. I didn't lose any inches in fact I gain a inch in my waist and I ahve only lost 5 lbs according to there scale. I am so not happy about the situation. Have been so good at getting up getting the kids breakfast and heading to the gym, every freckin' day for 2 months I have gone to that stupid gym. I eat salad for lunch and sometimes dinner when I would rather have chinese or mcdonalds or whatever. I have been so good to cut out all the crap that I eat and it is for NOTHING! So I gave up...I went to the best pasta place in town and I ate pasta, I ate it untill I wanted to puke! Of course that doesn't make me feel any better but I ate pasta and it was gooood!
Enough said
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Stalk Away!
I am loving the comments from everyone! Seriously stalk away! This is great. I use this blog as therapy but also I hope that I can somehow teach ...anything! So I am glad that it is read and enjoyed! THANKS!
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