Miss me? Man I am going threw withdrawls I NEED to write my thoughts down or I lose my mind! So much going on right now, So much to type. What it has only been like 3 days hun? Well first item on the list...
Macie is potty trained!!! It was a fairly easy process. I put her in underware, took her to bathroom every 20 mins and bribed her with princess panties. That was it. It has taken a little under a week to do so! Very easy! nOw Thanks to my friend Heather I am obsessed with her cute little panty Butt!

2nd I got Kase signed up for Tee-Ball...and I lied to do so. I had full intentions of lieing even before I went to sign him up! He wasn't old enough by 1 month! So his B-day is now March 4th yeah ! happy birthday Kase! He just wanted so bad to play I couldn't tell he couldn't. Yes I know I am horrible person! Oh well, Kase will play ball!
3rd I bought a new swimsuit...Shhhh Justin doesn't know, it is a surprize! Too bad I dont look as HOT as the model in it...but who does? Seriously? (well besides my friends Meegs & Vana) No one looks that good!

4th We booked tickets for our trip so I can finally talk about it, I seriously didn't wanted to jinx it so I tried to keep my mouth shut! So WE ARE GOING TO MAUI!!!! Dooootadoo! (this is me doing a little dance! We are leaving the end of May, we are going for a week AND we are going without the kids! ( Justin arranged for his parents to come down and watch them the whole time!!!) I am sooo pumped! You dont even know!
5th We got more info on the property we are supose to be building on! We have narrowed it down to 2 plans....Here they are! ETA: Ok so they are not posting..I will have to do that later!
Ok so I think that is it... I am sure I will have more to type tomarrow but for now....I am done!
Woohoo on the potty training!
So glad that you are back and blogging!
and yea!!! for your trip! how exciting... I can't wait to see your pictures!
eeeeeeeeeee! That was my squeal of joy for you for the whole hawaii trip. We might sell keaton so we can go with you! We never even should have discussed the possibility of taking a trip together! Your new swim suit is super cute. YOu'll look adorable in it! Can't wait to see your house plans! Glad you're posting again that was a LONG break! :)
Congrats on Potty Training! And congrats on the extra cash in your pocket that you used to spend on diapers.
I hope you have better luck than I do on romantic vacations. I always seem to get a visit from my aunt (flo that is). You will have so much fun! Man! Everyone is going to Hawaii but me. What's up with that? Just Kidding. I am way to pregnant to go now.
congrats on the potty training! I'm so jealous, cuz we've been working on it for months now. And HAWAII?!?! SOOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS!!! That will be so fun to go without the kids!
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