Thursday, March 16, 2006

I MUST share this!

While the kids were taken a bath today I overheard them saying..."push, harder, harder. Oh now will have to cut you ...ok here is you baby. " They kept doing it back and forth and it took me a minunte to understand what they where doing then I got it. Oh how cute the are pretending to have a baby! I grabbed the video camera and snuck up on them, The first shot I got was Kase pushing on Macies belly and then him pulling a washcloth from between macies legs, handing it to her and saying "here is your baby mam"
Ohhhhh My! So... not quite what I expected but hilliarious all the same!
I am surprized how much he got right from what actually happens. Kase has been so curious about babies how they get here, how it all works. He asks questions all the time. Askes about auntie flow and her visits, asks if I have the right egg to get pregnant, he cracks me up with all of his comments. To see him act out a women going threw labor just floors me. He is growing up so fast it is crazy! Anyway just wanted to share that because all day it made me chuckle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! I just litterally LOL!!! That is so stinkin' funny. He is going to be so excited when you get pregnant again. You have to get that conversation on video for sure!