My Mom and Grandma came down last weekend...I was able to take some pics of us all. I was so glad that I was able to get us all together and to get some good shots. I love to look at me & my mom side by side. When she smiles big I think we look alot alike I still wonder where my chinese eyes came from! & Of course I am wearing my NEW shirt agian! I am loving it!
The day after these pictures my Grandma went into the hospital, she ended up having surgery and I could help but feel like I had done something right this time around!
I wished that I would have been able to do these shots with my Dads' Mom . She died almost 3 yrs ago and I still miss her so much. I regret that I never got to know her like I should have, that I was never able to say good bye, that I never have the chance to tell her how much I loved and appriciated her. It has made me appriciate the time I do have with grandparents that are still around!
1 comment:
I love your pictures! That one of you mom and you is just awsome, you guys look so much alike, I love it! And how neat that you got to take a 4 generation picture right before your grandma went to the hospital. I hope she is doing ok now!
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