OHHHH! MYYY GOOOOSHHH! This was so fun! This was Jutsin’s activity and I have to say it sounded pretty fun to me. But once we got there and could see how high up we were going to be I got very nervous. You might know by now that when I get nervous I pee my pants, I peed my pants while giving a talk in church (I was 23 yrs old), I use to pee my pants right before drill team performances, I have peed my pants in a walmart parking lot. Don’t laugh at me it is not funny!---well ok it actually is! So I was secretly praying to the Gods that I would not pee me pants! Luckily my prayers were answered and I made threw the trip with no pee, well maybe there were a couple dribbles but nothing you could see! Anyway it was a blast! For some reason I would get turned around backwards so all the shots we have of me going were of my lovely BUTT…enjoy!

That is SO much fun!! It´s ok, when I sneeze, I pee my pants and I haven´t even had kids yet
I love that you pee your pants...next time we're together, I'll have to tell you all about the times I've peed in public. That looks like so much fun!!!
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