That is what I have been singing all a day. I sing it when I am killing flies in our house. I makes it kinda fun I guess and makes me less annoyed that the stupid things are in my house.
Lots to post lots going on...
So had a much better family shoot last night. I totally clicked with the mom. We talked the whole time and she was so nice. Alot like me, scrapbooked, took tons of pics. I really got along with her. I got to thinkin that maybe it is just the people that make the difference in the shoot. Maybe I need to take charge more when clients try to tell me what to do. It is my business after all. I would like to do it my way. It bugs when shoots don't go as planned, it makes me want to change that I guess.
So had a much better family shoot last night. I totally clicked with the mom. We talked the whole time and she was so nice. Alot like me, scrapbooked, took tons of pics. I really got along with her. I got to thinkin that maybe it is just the people that make the difference in the shoot. Maybe I need to take charge more when clients try to tell me what to do. It is my business after all. I would like to do it my way. It bugs when shoots don't go as planned, it makes me want to change that I guess.
I am finally getting to edit October pictures...I feel so behind on my personal stuff. I cant wait to edit halloween pictures...I dont know how people get them done and up on there blogs the next day...gesh people!

We did end up carving pumpkins. We had had friends over for fhe and that ended up blowing up ... the guys left to go get food they were longer then planned, we didn't have time to do the pumpkins. The kids were upset, and I got pissed. Which is never ever a good thing, our friends ended up leaving. I know I made them feel bad. There was alot going on at the time, alot of issues that hadn't been dealt with between Justin and I. It is really hard to have people over because when we dont get along! I dont hold my emotions in at all, I dont know how to calm my self down and then we fight and fighting around other people is so not what I like to do! So the kids and I did pumpkins during the day instead (because that fhe night was the only night I had open). I think next year we will just paint them and we will do it by sounds more do-able! :)
BTW I used Michelle Pearsons Action for the pumpkin shot. You can check all of them out here are really cool! And the color slect one is my fov so far. I makes it soo easy to do!

See Kase's eye is much better...the pics arent that good but you get the idea. He is much better, totally normal again and I have been able to use that fall as a way to reason with him...I remind him what happened when he didn't listen. It has worked out nicely. I am sure it will lose its effectiveness soon but untill then...I'll use it!
I'm glad you finally got a nice lady to take family pictures of. And I love your pumpkins, they turned out darling. Ok, Kase looks so cute! I love a little scraped up boy!! I'm so glad that he didn't get hurt worse, and that he's feeling good again!
The green in his black eye brings out the green in his eyes. He sure is handsome when he is all beat up!!! Smooches to all of you!
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