We rushed Kase to the ER tonight after he fell off of a neighboors trampoline. It was a really bad fall, I didnt see him fall just heard him cry. The tramp was next to a rock retaining wall, I know that is what he landed on....who puts a tramp next to a rock retaining wall anyway? NowI do not baby my kids, I never have, if they are hurt I look at it and tell them it is ok. This has totally prevented them freaking out over every bump and bruise. So I did what I normally do...I told him he was ok. He got up and leaned against the tramp still crying So I walked towards him, he started to come towards me like he was drunk and then he fell. He was clearly dazed. When I got to him he had a huge goose egg.
I picked him up and he was crying. As I loaded him into the car the neighboor comes over and starts freaking out..."oh my gosh that is bad, that is really bad. Kase did you fall where did you hit, did maddi push you Oh my gosh that is really bad." Of course this freaks him out because I had told him he was fine. So by the time he is in the car he is screaming! I take him home and clean him up. He is still upset but then he realized that he can't see.
"I can't see you mom, I cant see my hands, I cant see! I cant see!" He just lost it, uncontrolable. Of course by this time I am certain there is something really wrong. I loaded him back up. I call my Mom, my dad and then the Dr. Office...they say go directly to the ER. Bawling at this point I call Justin and tell him to met me at the ER. Get to teh ER, I am still crying he is crying it is a mess they rush us back the nurse talks to him and the rush us to a CT scan. His vision gets better, he starts felling better and he finally falls asleep. THe CT comes back and he is ok. He has some brusing on his brain and I will be up every 2 hours checking on him but he is fine. Thank Heaven! It was a very scary ordeal... very scary for him and us. The first of many I am sure. Keep him in your prayers he will be out of comission for several days. thanks.
Poor kiddo. Those trampolines can be so dangerous-- rock walls are worse. I will keep your son in my thoughts. For now, lots of cuddles from mom and movies to keep him still, I suppose. What a lump-- I would have panicked for sure.
OMGoodness! That's the biggest bump I think I've ever seen!!!
I know how terrifying it is when something like this happens... my youngest daughter just cut her head open and there was blood everywhere.
So sorry for him, hope he feels better and headaches don't become a problem.
Definitely one to put in the scrapbook with some kind of list of things that he's survived!!! :)
Hope things have calmed down, and he returns to 100% soon!
Oh, I started crying when I read this. So sad. I hope he feels better soon!
Oh Kellie! I can't stop crying. Seeing Kase like that is so heartbreaking. I love him like I love Carson.
I hope that he makes a fast recovery. I hope that you will be OK through this too.
You and I handel these situations the same, stay calm, don't freak out. I would have smacked that lady.
I will have Kaser boy in my prayers. Love you guys!
Oh my! I'll be keeping your precious DS and your whole family in my prayers. Sending lots of hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery!
That is scary, but I'm glad that he is feeling better now. I've been meaning to call you all day (I really missed you last nigh!) but I just never did it. I can't believe how bad his little head looks, the poor thing. But I love that you took a picture of it!!!
I want to thank you for your picture and great description of what happened. Yesterday, I just had to kick my kids off the tramp because they were pushing and fighting on it. After seeing Kase's picture and hearing the story, I was able to have a real object lesson about what can happen if you're not careful on the tramp. Hopefully it will help. Bridger and Avery immediately wanted to pray for Kase. We love him...Hope things get better. Heather
Kellie i am so glad that kase is ok! I would cry forever if something really serious would have happened!well this was prety serious but it could have been wosre you know? well just look at it this way when he gets older and you tell him not to do drugs and drink alchoholic beverages----(macie) remind him of when he fell off the tramp and hurt his head and couldnt walk straight or see very good....then hopefuly he wont want to do drugs and drink. haha just kidding but it is true. and i just wanted to say and let Kase know that I love him very much!!! and of cousre you and macie and justn . i have been prying for you guys and kase--his recovery..... and i will keep on praying for you guys! Love you!! cant wait till i get to see you on Thanksgiving! :)
Love: Shayla
Kellie! What a nightmare! I am so glad that he is doing better...you handled it like a champ! It is hard to know when you need to rush to the ER sometimes. We will keep him in our prayers, hope he feels better! Let him milk it for all its worth!
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