Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas

Family card...
there was a center peice but it was made as two seperate pages that had to be put together ...i didnt feel like psing them back together :)

client card 1

just a fun shot of justin and i

client and friend card #2
(I ran out of both cards so I had to make a new one the fit the envelpoes I still had left!

yes so I made 4 cards in total. I little crazy considering the last 2 months have be totally nuts!

I am usually not a fan of selective coloring (b&W leaving some color) but I am obsessed with that little pink car. I want to buy it! I had to have the pink in it some how...which ment i had to do pink cards and green envelopes....yep really Christmasy!

I am very happy that I didn't have to do photoshop lipo this year! I can see I prolly should have touched up my tummy a bit but, I felt good considering i lost some weight, i think i gained it all back now that life has slowed down...but I did lose some!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Finally I think it is going to work!!!!
Ok I saw a challenge on
(Frederique's blog to post your top 10 pictures. I got half of them up at two peas
but that was all I had time for then blogger was hating me so I couldnt get them here they finally are!
the one
sweet n sour
just three
just tiny
too fast

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


blogger hates ont let me upload photos and i wanted to post my top 10 of 06.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Moo Moo's Christmas Dance Recital

Arent those antlers so stinkin cute!

Ooops she forgot what was next!

"Then one foggy Christmas eve"

All her friends in her class....
Justin says that I have ruined our kids and that they will always pose and smile all cheesy...maybe so but at least they know how look at the camera!

I finally gave in...

Kase has been asking for weeks to go on the bus, I have been reluctant to agree mainly because I am scared he is going to get lost. I had hoped that he would just let it go, but everyday he kept asking. I finally said OK still hoping he would get scared and change his mind...nope he loves it. It has just become apart of our everyday life. He walks (mostly runs) to the stop and then waves at me when he gets there, I almost always hear him yell "I love you MOM!!!!" as he hops on the bus.
I have to admit now I am glad that he rides the bus, with all this work I dont know how we would have managed to get him to school on time! I guess the bus idea was a good thing!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Just a couple shots for a thank you for my hubbys clients (he is a landscaper)...we couldn't agree on a picture we both liked, which is no surprize to me. That is what you get when you are both creative people I guess.

Friday, December 15, 2006

the month of multiples...

Just get me througt this week...

That is what I have been saying for the last 2 months. If I focus on more then that I get so overwhelmed I want to cry. Business is still going strong, I am a crazy women for talking more shoots in December but it is so hard to turn down the money. We need to pay our bills. We have to go to Idaho for Cmas, it all is about money. This is the first year that Justin and I haven't seriously thought about a divorce, the financal stress kills us. How cool is it that I can help out? He is a beast (insert other choice words here) when he is stressed about money and with me bearing some of the responciblities I understand why. WOW, that is alot of stress for him to do alone. It is great to be able to help out...even if I am going crazy doing it :) I really do have just one more week and that is it, but then it is cmas and gessh! I am excited for January...I have 2 new live births to be too, a couple newborns and I get to photograph my sweet little alex baby...(remember the cute tutu baby?)
Oh I love this child! I am so attached to my friends kids, I am in love with them! I think they all have the cutes little babies! Maybe it is just me being baby hungry, man I am sooo baby hungry! It kills me! Lately all of my newborn sessons have been hard on me, I find myself turning and whiping tears from my eyes! It is worst when its a baby boy...i have to be patient I guess. I tried to explain to a client why we are waiting to get pregnant...I started out with well our relationship has been really rocky, and my husband is not active in church, and she said so. and I thought hummm maybe it really isnt that big of a deal (not the relationship part the being active part) I dont know, I think I could talk myself into to anything right now. Our relatioship is better, I hate to say it is great beacause when I do that I sware I curse it and it blows up! But yes it is better, stronger, it is good. I can be happy with that...for now:)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I am cannot be friends with skinny people....

I am not calling anyone fat, dont get offended!
It dawned on me that I am not friends with skinny people ....really really really skinny girls. Ok I have to admit that part of the reason is because I am extremly jealous of skinny people. I have battle my weight all of my life, I starved myself when I was in high school and college, I have thrown up after eating and exersized myself to death. I will battle my weight all my life, I will never feel totally ok, never feel totally good about myself. Being around thin people makes me feel horrible. I can't handle it, maybe because that is all I have wanted to be but I have never obtained that. I always think if I could just look like her or her, I would feel better about myself.
What makes skinny people so horrible is that they hate their bodies just as much! I cant handle hearing them complain about there SIZE 2 butt and how they have cottage cheese! I have had friends "diet" while nursing or pregnant, ones that will limit themselves to one slice of bread a day. I have watched them over work and starve themselves. and I wonder what they think about me, I wonder what of my many imperfections they can see. I wonder if they think to themselves...Gosh "Kellie really shouldn't eat that peice of cake, or no wonder she is fat look at how much crap she has eaten!"
I bet you are wondering what started this...well I was at a shoot todayand this lady showed up all skinny AND big boobed and beautiful and I could not talk to her without stumbling all over my words. I was totally intimidated by her, I felt didn't have anything in common. I felt like I was in high school again and things like appearence and boobs where the only things that mattered and I didn't quite measure up.
Have I not learned or grown at all since then? Why can't I just love me, why cant I just be me without compairing myself to everyone else. I am sure I have missed out on some great friendships beacuse of my own insecurities. and that makes me sad. I want to be comfortable in my own skin for once, what will that take?
I guess that is a horrible thing to admit, but I really struggle with it. I dont want to be this way. I want to change.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Wow 3 post in one day...

Luck me. lucky you. I just wanted to post some of the pages that I have been working on for the books I made for cmas presents. That took me forever, I dont think I will so that agian it was alot of work and never do people appriciate or understand how much time and effort you put into handmade gifts. I have working on these books for 4 months. WOOOHOOOO they are done. That is such a nice feeling! Now I just have to pray that they will be here by Cmas!

With all the family shoots...

I have totally looked forward to the newborns. Newborns are the best part of my job. This little guy was a doll. HUGE eyes! He was so cute! enjoy!

Ok I found the cooles thing ever!

It have already seaved me 2 hours today! It is a program that batch process files...but it crops and logo stamps them. Then it saves them in a seperate folder. It has alot of custome options and I am in love with it. I hate editing photos but what is ever worst is having to crop, logo and save my images for the web...this makes it so easy! Anyway check it out!
this is the free one that I got....arent you so excited for me?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wanna see the canvas prints....

and a little holiday decoration. The stockings are the only Cmasy thing I have up...In fact I still have Pumpkins everywhere! Maybe by Cmas I can pull it together!

I am so happy with the way these turned out! They look amazing IRL!
I go them from simply canvas and I am so happy with the quality, they are beautiful. I have already sold 3 more similar to these and then 2 more flat canvas prints. It is a great selling tool....but I just love to see them in my house everyday!
I just wanted to say that I am so happy I have a couple more stalkers :) Welcome! and to answer your question I dont mind if you add my blog to yours!~kell

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I have a friend that is better the prozac.

I get around her and I feel totally energized and full of life. She is so full of life, she cracks me up! It is better then therapy, better then a happy pill, better then chocolate. I think that it is kinda funny...I should pay her for therapy session seriously! I actually think I have alot of friends that cheer me up like that scrap girls are a good example of that. I am always feel happier after I see one of them. I come home from scrap night with a totally high! I usually cant sleep for an hour or so after because I have had such a good time! I love that I have friends that now exactly what I need without actually knowing they know...make sence? It is good to be a woman, good to be a round other woman that understand you, that you can talk to, that you can trust! Love ya girls!~Kell

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Remember tiny little prego girl?

Well she had her baby! Yep she went early too...yes I totally think it is not fair! BUt I did her shoot last week and I am on love with the new shots of them. The dad was a trooper! We made him take his shirt off...I dont know what is wrong with all these stinkin modest people here in utah but it is nice to finally get a daddy to get naked! Well shirt off at least! Anyway enjoy....I have tons more tp post but this will have to be it for tonight!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving! SO what I am a week late! I love my job, I love my job, I love my job. I think I need to remind myslef that becuase I really do. The hoildays have seriously taken over my life and I have to be happy about that! I have to. Beside being sick I think I have faired pretty well, I am trying to just get threw each week, stay caught up on the week before me and not think about anything else. So far so good. I decieded to treat myself to a little car cleaning. With all this work my car and house have seriously suffered. I have never wanted to pay anyone to clean up after myself, for one it is embarrassing for other people to see my crap all over and I am too cheap. I have made myself clean out my car. I vac the carpets, I detail the inside. Well not today! I paid someone to do it for me while I sat and drank hot cocoa and read the paper. It was awesome, I am thinking this is the way to go...who cares if I have to spend 40 bucks an month to get my car cleaned was well worth it. Now everytime I sit down in my car I smile because it looks and smells if only I could find the sme kind of deal for my house....40 bucks to clean my house...anyone? Didn't think so!

Well I said I would post stats from my month to give you an idea on how freakin crazy I have been!

Total Shoots for Novemeber 23
Hours editing 115
Cd Sold 15
Clients still ordering 10
Remaining shoots for December 6
Phone messages to answer 4
Christmas cards made 92
Washed backdrop 30 times
Pictures taken 6900
Free time...ha!
Christmas presents bought 10
Christmas presents made...almost 6
Cleaned house 2-seriously that is all I had time for

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sneak Peak...

Here you go! Just a peak of one of the pics we got. I am so excited to send them out! I finished both my client cards and our friends cards tonight...I am feeling terrible, my body finally gave into the flu and sitting on the sofa was driving me nuts so datada...i am done! Aren't you so excited to get them? I cant wait to see everyone elses!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

the twins...tons of pics

I am so excited to post these! I am finally done editing this session. I still need to do Birth announcements for them but that will come later this week. I loved the sleigh...I loved that they both were tiny tiny tiny! The Mom even called the little girl tiny and I caught on to that. I am so glad to be done it took me forever! I am overall really happy with these! Justin thinks we need some twins, I dont know about that. Just one baby would be good enough for me!