My mind is going a million miles a minute! I have got a huge surge of creative energy these last few days, the kind that will keep me awake at night planning and designing. So I have spent the last few nights up late trying to get all of my thoughts down on paper. My Step Sister suggested going into OBGYN and DRs.

Offices and posting flyers to advertise my business! Such a great suggestion! I have been going crazy with ideas! I have also decieded to redesign my business logo and business card. I am also going to have them professionally print, because right now they are on photo wallets and they are getting very pricey

to print! I also designed my photo coupons to give out to customers...I would really love some thought on them, and what needs to be fixed and changed!
those are soooooooooooooooo darling! The only thing that I might add would to put your name...kind of like elements photog by Kelly...or something like that. But otherwise they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo perfect!!!! I want to have a baby just so you can take pictures!
They are really cute, but I agree, you do need your name so that when people call they know who they're asking for. And also, this may just be my preference, but when I look at solicitations I always want a website so that I can see if I like the person's work before I even call them. Just something to think about. love ya.
Love, Love, Love them!!!! Name and web site would be great additions. The design and layout are fab. I can't wait to pop so you can take pics of my baby!!!!!!
(By the way, LOVE my camera, but don't love the software! So glad I got a new one, might need a little training on what to use and when, the book wasn't much help)
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