Saturday, April 08, 2006

PROOF Just for Angela...and everyone else who thinks I am so put together...



Anonymous said...

hey, that looks like my house!!! It is always nice to see someone else's mess!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kellie, I am glad I am not alone, but I still think you have it all together! are you going to post your mothers day goodies?


Angela said...

Okay, so this is the thing. I can't sleep unless my house is picked up, dishes done and the little piles are all put away. Sooo I guess while you are having so much fun scrapbooking I am picking up the house and being neurotic. Unfortunatley this was passed down from my mother who cleaned day and night. I'm not as extreme of case as her however I do have the disease. I just feel if I wake up to a mess I am starting my day with yesterdays work and I feel like I am back pedaling. I have a grumpy hour every night from about 9:00-10:00, where I am tired and grumpy about the messy house and I make my husband and son clean up. I need to take a page out of your book and relax a bit. It even makes me crazy if I get out my scrapbooking stuff and don't get finished. I have to put it all away and then start over again the next day! Other peoples messes don't bug me because I know I don't have to clean them up. Please don't judge me. I know I am crazy already.