Well really it was yesterday but I still wanted to post! So justin and I are movin on up! Our normal tradition for our anniversary is to go eat at red lobster but tonight we were forced to step into the higher class catagory. We ate at this fancy-smancy place called "the painted pony' It was so fancy that they only had about 12 things on there menu, all the guest around us where drinking expencive wine, and the food was soooo classy! It was fixed all decorative and the items on the menu were lamb, pork wellington (i dont even no what that is!), bacon wrapped duck, etc! So at first I am thinking oh great what did we get ourselves into ...but oh yum! The food was spectacular! The flavors were suttle, meats were tender, bla bla the fact that I am up at 1 am typing about it says something doesn't it? I told Justin we had to make this our new tradition, although I am not much for all that upper class, snobby stuff, I could rise to their level once a year, besides the cheesecake was better then sex! I am not kinding! I ate it with my eyes closed! oh my gosh! Ok enough of the blabing...just had to share our first taste of the upper class! :)
I haven't ever ate there but did you know they have won award(s) at the fancy schmancy restraunt "awards" this year for Utah??
Sounds great! I'm all about some good cheesecake!!! And how fun for you to go live up the fancy smancy life. My dh wishes I woul want to be a bit classier, but I'm all about applebee's!
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